Ultimate Information Thread


paradox placebo
I know I could save space and simply read personal profiles but in this thread the profiles come to you and it's therefore easier (and much more fun). Also I understand that this board is home to many European metalheads, and as I'm currently working on a very Viking-esque battle story... (kind of like a fantasy but no dragons or magic... so I guess you'd call it folklore... or something) I thought it'd be nice to see what some of your names are. European names are fascinating.

Anyway I'll start!

Name: Chris Jeremy Phoenix
Location: Georgia, USA
Age: 19
Race: mulatto
Gender: male
aspirations: to be a writer

Okay your turn... (put whatever categories you want, be creative... but please put your name [especially if you have a cool name like Hlormar Wine-Sot])
Name: Patric Czelsaw Wærgården

Location: Gothenburg, but moving back to Denmark soon.

Race: Germanian gypsy aka Dane

Women: Prefferably 5 years older and forceful, oh yeah lemme be yer dog.

Gender: Male but I dont look it

Hobbies: Cheeses, food, beer, whiskey, pit dogs, death metal, working out

Aspirations: To find myself someday

That's about it...
Age: 16th of September, 1979, so im 24

Sign: virgo

Hobbies: Music, painting, reading, travelling the world, learning different langueges

Location: Washington DC

Fave Bands: Nevermore, KISS, Sadus, Kreator, Samael, Testament, Death, Iron Maiden, Pestilence, Emperor, Lacuna coil, and many many more... (including AA of course)

Fave Albums: 7th son-maiden, neon black- nevermore, Tori Amos- little earthquakes

Fave Movies: Spinal Tap and Never Ending Story

Fave Books: Good Omens- Terry Pratchet

Fave Drink: Hoegaarden, diet coke, Boston Ale, Absinth, Jamesson

Fave Animal(s): cats. without any doubt. but my dog is my fav animal

Describe your personality: romantic but cynical, purrs like a cat occasionally but bites like a dog, open minded, art lover, and loves people with weird sense of humour.

Words Of Wisdom:
a conclusion is a place where you got tired of thinking
Name: Gareth Everett

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Nationality: English

Location: Look below my avatar

Favourite Bands In Recent Weeks: Anathema, Enslaved, Death, Decapitated, Dissection, Cathedral, Agalloch, Naglfar, My Dying Bride, Pig Destroyer, Agoraphobic Nosebleed etc...

Hobbies: Computers, Music, Gigs, Alcohol, Women, Spandex, Mullets etc...

Fav. Drink: Carling Black Label, Strongbow, Asahi Draft etc..

Blah that'll do
Tomasz said:
I see things are getting worse. Now u can't even spell your own name Czeslaw.
And how the hell could I, I haven't had snus for an entire day and I wanna kill myself.
Well, I'm 16, male, play guitar+bass+vox, I'm into Photohop, Flash and stuff, my fav bands are Opeth, Hypocrisy, Amon Amarth, Pantera (= the forums I'm posting in), I love beer. :D
And I'm working in a supermarket to get money for a laney halfstack. :)
Name: Linden Lindquist (My first name is also a name of a tree...)
Ethnicity: German and Swedish 50% each
Sex: Male
Location: Chicago IL
Asperation: To be a author
Age: 18

Sex: Female

Location: Victoria, Australia

Location I'd Prefer to be at: Sweden or Germany

Ethnicity: White.

Fave Bands: Amon Amarth(of course..), Maze of Torment, A Canorous Quintet, Astriaal, At the Gates, Curriculum Mortis, Aborted, Psycroptic, Dawn, Dissection, Naglfar, Unanimated, Immortal, Hypocrisy, Soul Demise, The Abyss, Edge of Sanity, and so on and so on..

Hobbies and Interests: baking cakes, redecorating the house, and corpse paint. Also, listening to the bands listed above. and time travel.

Fave Place on the Internet: www.helgon.net

Fave Food: whatever I'm eating at the time.

Fave Animal: anything silent, clean, odourless and immobile that doesn't need to be feed or let out at any time.

Pet Peeves: "american english".
I mean the way America has their own way of spelling words.. like 'tranquility'.. or 'color' and then theres those american people that freak out when they see it spelt differently.. and then insist that their way is the law, and the entire english colony must be wrong. There are some stupid people out there.. also, the words just look weird to me. Just personal opinion though, so dont attack me for it.
Name:Lev Weinstein

Age: 19

Ethnicity: Russian on both sides

Location:Home is NYC, I go to school in Chicago

Interests: Primarily drumming, in bands ranging from death metal, to jazz and everything in between, beer, particularly guiness, murphy's, boddingtons, beamish and so on.
sentience_withers said:
I mean the way America has their own way of spelling words.. like 'tranquility'.. or 'color' and then theres those american people that freak out when they see it spelt differently.. and then insist that their way is the law, and the entire english colony must be wrong. There are some stupid people out there.. also, the words just look weird to me. Just personal opinion though, so dont attack me for it.
whilw im quite drunk now..just wanna say..hails to my future a golden dawn. and hey americans rule. not like ex convicts.
there is american english and british english.
two different things.

proper british would be "colour"
while american is "color"

i dont see the problem here..
irish people spell words differently, and have their own english vocabulary, so whats your point ?

the people who freaked out because you spelled it in the british way, are pure idiots.
and sadly, the states is full with stupid people.

cheers. :kickass:
Name: Matthew Michael Zigan
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 250
Ethnicity: 75% scandinavian (a melange Swedish, Norweigen and Finnish) 25% Slovenian
Languages: English, French, Learning Finnish
Hair: Blonde and long...duh
Eyes: Blue/Grey (depends on the weather)
Beard: Red
Wonders: If anyone actually reads these fucking things
Occupation: Tool salesman for sears
Fun fact: Allergic to Marijuana
Penis size: Laughable
...it's good to be me!
the states is full with stupid people
you bet your ass!!! theres to many stupid fuckin ppl in america!!! and elsewhere to!! god damn i fuckin hate stupid ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well... some ppl are stupid due to mental issues and stuff like retardation. doing crack when your 2-18... and stuff. but other than stuff like that stupid ppl suck!

anyway, anyone hear about the 4th graders gettin an outbreak of stds or something cause they are fuckin? thats some wierd shit... they learnin younger and younger these days!!! i tell you its the bad influences in todays modern pop scene!!!
Name: Meshell

Sex: Female

Age: 23

Favorite Quote: "You are an asswhore"

Favorite Saying: "Cheers"

Height: 5'6

Weight: 102

Eyes: Green

Hair Color: Blonde (naturally) right now it is light brown

Ethnicity: Danish and Norwegian

Location: Hollywood, CA

Favorite Place in Hollywood: Rainbow Room

Favorite Drink: Seabreeze, or just straight Vodka, and koskenkorva viina owns!

Favorite Country to Visit: India and Finland

Favorite bands: *Embraced*, Therion, Sonata Arctica, A Canorous Quintet, Suffocation, My Dying Bride, Within Temptation, Marduk, Theory in Practice, Illdisposed, Darkane, Crown of Thorns, Kataklysm. And AA owns!

Favorite subject: Major is Scandinavian Studies at University...I also dig Comparative Mythology, Medieval Studies/Ancient Studies. I don't know what the fuck I will do with a degree in this...I'm still thinking about that one...hehe.

Things I hate the most: Unintelligent Americans, hick/white trash, assholes.

Favorite Person: My cat

Webiste I work on: http://www.metaljudgment.com

Favorite shoes: My Red New Rocks

Best Advice to offer anyone: Kill yourself, and if you don't want to do that seize the day and stop complaining.