Ultimate Metal Forums and Signatures with Images

Just found this one, it's pretty funny and stupid:

Dreamlord said:
Blah, I'm bored with your posts, so I'm going to try to sound holier-than-thou even though I'm sitting on a shiny gold dildo RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!1 Don't you Understand? IT's ALL ABOUT THE MUSIC! Of course, that's just my opinion!!!!1 If you can't understand ThAT, leave! This is RC, not AA!!!1 If you DON't have anything better to SAY than a cliche, don't COME BACK!!!!

oh, and it's all about the music.

of course, that's just my opinion.
Sorry guys, but this don't 'alf remind me of your notman/Evil C a fair bit...

"I like new Anthrax!" (even though any human being with ears knows it's a shit pop album :loco: )
"Dude, it sucks"
"You suck! Me + listen to Anthrax 4 20 years + 1 smartass comment = my opinion > yours"
"Anthrax have sucked for 15 years. Get over it :loco: "

That actually pretty much reflects everyone on the Anthrax forum actually...

Uhmmm...big signatures? I only ever saw one that might have had an offensive size, and it featured a bird in a bikini flashing her ass + a cool joke...so I never complained :Saint:
In the immortal words of Gandhi, "What the fuck?"

Has anyone else noticed the growing propensity folks on the UM boards seem to have for including large image files in their signatures? Do I really need to see a 640x480 rendering of Cartman everytime someone adds their $0.02 to a thread? Perhaps even more annoying, are the folks who think it's oh so clever to preface their posts with 500 blank lines of text (something I'm sure someone here will think is a witty response to this thread). Some of these boards are quickly becoming more of a hassle than they’re worth.

Feel free to agree, disagree or flame.


P.S. - everyone have a safe New Year's Eve.

I was perusing GMD and felt the need to bump this.

Seriously, why does every poster have a sig that includes 64 50X50 sized album covers in their God damn fucking signature? O.K you listen to At the Gates, who the fuck doesn't?!?!?
P.S - everyone have a safe fourth of July.
i turned sigs off a long time ago. now i dont have to see some schmos favorite twenty album covers every time he posts, or some fave quote from some dork who doesnt even know what it means.
I don't mind them unless they are absolutely huge and are completely pointless, like most of GMD.
I don't understand everybody in GMD having the band quilts and shit. my signature used to be a bit more reduced, but has grown steadily over the years.