Ulver- A Quick Fix O' Melancholy


Oct 24, 2001
Atlanta, GA
I got this is the mail the other day and am very much digging it. I am not so versed in Ulver... I mostly got it cause Garm is on it.. and he is awesome in Arcturus... though this isnt what I was expecting I think it totally rules. Also in the mail is Theme's From William Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell... any opinions on that one I would very much like to hear as well...
I'm not a fan of the Blake disc, but it does have its moments. Good concept though.

Pretty much all of the recent EPs have been good. If you like A Quick Fix, you'll like the others, too.
man, i have the Blake release- but someone borrowed the discs and loaned them to someone else and i never got them back. so now all i have is the layout/packaging.

but from what i remember it's okay, but not great- a really interesting undertaking to put the story to musical conception, but it left me thinking there was so much more that could've been done.
IMO Themes is a release which takes a very long time to grow - I only truly started to like it over a year and a half after I got it.. Like William Blake it is quite pretentious and masturbatory, but it really does grow on you if you give it time..

Anyway, Perdition City is a great full length, but I love their entire back catalogue, all the way from Vargnatt to Quick Fix, so I'm not the most unbiased source of information ;)

Depends what you're after really :)
I think my favourite track is Vowels, mainly because the part from 4:00 until the end is rich in awesomeness.
Themes is undoubtedly Ulver's finest moment and perhaps one of the finest moments for music ever. It's pure genius, ranging from subtle yet awesome ambient parts to some of the sweetest electronic songs and folk songs I have heard. It makes my pants wet in the frontal area.