

New Metal Member
May 9, 2001
I'm surprised not too many Opeth fans like them. The calm pieces clearly show they can really play, but there are enough ultra fast parts to keep the interest. All of this combined with one of the best clean male singing I ever heard and a dirty black metal grunt just makes one of the best black metal bands around. And some awesome riffs.

I'm listening to Bergtatt for the first time right now and it impresses. I've heard Kveldsjanger and Natten's Madrigal before, but I didn't find either of them very interesting. NM showed some nice compositions, but the production was too awful for me. The other one was just boring. Now Bergtatt is just great. Production is sufficent and the music is very interesting. Especially the first track is stunning. This is sure to be one classic in my collection.
Ulver have been one of my favorites for quite some time. Though I still have yet to purchase Metamorphosis and Silencing the Singing (where the hell can I get this at?) . And Themes... is quite possibly the greatest album of all time.....
Ulver is my all times favorite band. Every album is different and unpredictable, and Garm's voice get better every time, that's why i can't say which one is my favorite, i agree with MacMoney though, Nattens Madrigal has an amazing and intense atmosphere, i've never head another album like it... I can't wait to hear that played by a string quartet :D

*it's Kveldssanger.. it's an S not a J or F ;)

edit: @Till Fjalls: try Jester Records or blackmetal.com
Originally posted by Till Fjalls
Ulver have been one of my favorites for quite some time. Though I still have yet to purchase Metamorphosis and Silencing the Singing (where the hell can I get this at?) . And Themes... is quite possibly the greatest album of all time.....

probably only going to be able to find it on audiogalaxy or maybe they might pop up on ebay. both i believe were limited editions, not many made.
Ulver... the 'used to be gods.'

I've gotten rid of all my Ulver except for Bergtatt and Kveldssanger.

I don't listen to those anymore though...

Bergtatt = Crap production, and it's not a unique style anymore so I can hear things that sound lots better.

Kvelssanger= Was interesting in the context of a metal band doing an acoustic album. Except now I'm aware of more all-acoustic stuff that's better than this. Of the Wand and the Moon anyone?

Nattens Madrigal= This is a piece of SHIT. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT. It sounds like someone turned on a weedwacker and recorded it and called it an album

Themes... = Was interesting for the literary value. I bought the Complete Works of William Blake and didn't need this anymore. I traded it for Metallica's Garage Inc.

After that... who cares?

I really want to smack Garm around after he allowed the Arcturus La Masquerade Infernale album to get shit on with that Disguised Masters garbage (I traded that for a Nightwish poster) and ruined some Hagalaz Runedance. Seriously, I will not be civil to him should we ever meet.
Agreed. Ulver blew their talent away.

I still like Bergtatt and Kveldssanger.
Originally posted by Jim LotFP
Bergtatt = Crap production, and it's not a unique style anymore so I can hear things that sound lots better.

I have to disagree man. I don't know of one band close to that style, other than old Vintersorg. And that production isn't bad either, the album would sound lame if it had a sound like Death-Symbolic or something along those lines....