
NAD said:
My Vargnatt is #29/1000

Oooh well, excuse me your majesty. :loco: I'm going to call you Mr. 29 from now on. :lol:

Did you ever get into Nattens by the way?

Man, I just aint got back to it yet. So much music, so little time. These days I'm listening to early Negura Bunget, Darkthrone (Preparing for War), so I'm sure Nattens is on the horizon, heh.

I approached it too lovingly first time and it spat in my eye. Next time I will be better equipped. :grin:
I figure the #29 will gain me many riches if I ever eBay it. :grin:

But I guess En Vind Av Sorg is the winner so far! :lol:
Papa Josh said:
As far as Nattens, wait til the next full moon, light some candles, drink some wine and feel it.

Do as he said but skip the wine - It's not a gay album. Feel free to drink beer though. If you're not afraid of the dark you could also skip the candles.

Nattens Madrigal has the BEST production ever closely followed by De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas.
Speaking of Ulver, anyone notice the misspelling "metaphormosis" in the banner ad for AQFOM that UM started running this week? My guess is that it's an intentional variation on the word...and everyone knows Nattens was intentionally given bad production to fuck over Century Media. :)
Demonspell said:
everyone knows Nattens was intentionally given bad production to fuck over Century Media. :)
I didn't know that!! Is that true? Do the band themselves listen to the album if they so 'purposely' fucked it up I wonder?
Says the rumor yes, but I believe it not.

Didn't notice that in the ad Demonspell, I'll have to check that out.

Best production ever: Tool - Undertow :p
Demonspell said:
and everyone knows Nattens was intentionally given bad production to fuck over Century Media. :)
I don't know if you're being serious or not, but if you are I call bullshit. There are various explanations all over the place for wanting a primitive sound to go with the album's theme.

What people frequently don't get is that NATTENS MADRIGAL IS NOT POORLY PRODUCED. It has very intricate production; it is quite obvious that a lot of time has been spent on it. It is not a 4-track recording or anything of the sort. It is INTENTIONALLY stripped down, but probably done in a professional 24-track studio or something of the sort.