UM Fantasy Football League IV

...and beat by someone who didn't even sub in an active defense this week. EDIT: Wait! He got beat by four 0's.

Maybe I traded away the wrong QB. Rogers has been nothing special this season, and now he has a headache. I was much happier when I had Rivers for my main QB the last two seasons.
Looks like Vincent Jackson and Logan Mankins have been ordered to report to their teams. Maybe now after 6-7 weeks my drafting of Vincent Jackson will finally pay off. haha

Sucks though because I just traded for Floyd. Can't complain though considering he scored me like 50 points last week. boyaah!
You drafting him? That doesn't have much yo do with it at this point. We've all had him on our rosters at some point this season. But he still has to sit for three more games. And once he can play, what role will he have? I tend to think he is would have had more value (FF-wise) if he ended up traded.
What I mean is up until today he was a waste of a draft pick. At least now he'll play making it somewhat of a useful pick.

What role will he play? I would assume he'll play a major role. He's the best receiver on their roster not named Antonio Gates. He knows the system so it's not like there will be a learning curve. The only question is how the coaching staff will implement him and truth be told, they're complete morons if they don't try to get what they can out of him while he's there.
I wonder if the strained relationship will affect what they allow him to do. That may be lame, but I wouldn't put it past AJ Smith. Also, he is most likely not in football shape. How long does that take? Obviously Farve and Revis are still suffering from not having been ready for the start of the season.