Understanding my beliefs and principles

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"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
First off
1. I am pro American. I believe in the dream that is America.
2. I am not a Racist but I do harbor some very heavy points of views that can be interpeted as Racist or Biggoted.
3. I am a redneck and believe if you talk shit I'll knock your teeth out. So you better think twice about hurling disrespect.
4. I honestly believe in FREEDOM of SPEECH. I don't want to censor you fuckin guys but the forum owners are not liking what they see and I have to agree with them. REFER TO THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT.
5. White Power-Black Power-Viva la Rosa is all the same shit. I beileve in AMERICAN POWER and that should understood. Remember Absolute power corrupts ABSOLUTLEY!!!!!!
6. These white power guys have a right to post here, but NOT recruit or say racist shit. I understand your points of views and they have some fact but this message board is for ALL the people who are into my music or politics and unlike else where on the net I EXPECT people to disagree and debate like adults here.
7. THIS IS NOT BLABBERMOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!! If you honestly value this message board and you truley believe you have honor then do the right thing and honor this board.

I hope people read this and understand where I stand and what I believe.
So don't try to interpet lyrics that I wrote. I will tell you what I believe when I am asked respectfully!! I have never not answered you guys and more importantly I value this message board and the people who contribute to it.

Buzzard said:
I have never not answered you guys and more importantly I value this message board and the people who contribute to it.

Thanks Billy...............................:headbang:
Cryptkeeper said:
It's good that you posted this Billy. I pretty much agree with everything that you said, it's pretty much applies to me as well. It's a shame that the white power people can't read the rules once, and obey them!

It is too bad that the ones that attacked us had obvious disrespect.A couple topics do not inhabit the whole board.Ever heard of "taking it down the street?" We have expressed that some will appreciate,however,in typical anti-racist fashion,an overload of slandering and carnival tactics is displayed.

If you do not like what we say,"Turn the channel." We have to deal with your lesbian,drugs,false brotherhood,and crapaganda every day.Billy's lyrics are racist and would offend many.I just happen to like them and feel they do not fall far from the tree. :)

Better get used to everybody having rights,and we sure as hell do not turn the other cheek.We will be civil with people that are civil.If you disagree with our pride,you can form your own topic. :Spin:
T-Man 357, Old School, and I all agreed on something, and Billy is listening to the Gypsy Kings. I have a feeling a giant comet is about to smash into the earth and plunge us into another ice age.

---in typical anti-racist fashion,an overload of slandering and carnival tactics is displayed.

ahhh no. Its just the majority dont respect your bullshit, and we as a group are not putting up with it. Go back to your white power board.

----Billy's lyrics are racist

again no. The lyrics are tounge in cheek. You obviusally no nothing about S.O.D, and M.O.D.

----It is too bad that the ones that attacked us had obvious disrespect

and finally I will continue to disrespect and bash any white power loser that posts bullshit. No matter whos message board it is, and what the rules of engagement are. Dont like it go and cry your eyes out like the bitches you are.

Billy may welcome you here with open arms, but I sure as hell dont, and the only thing I will EVER welcome you with (or any whitepower bitch for that matter) is an aluminium baseball bat to your face. You can take that to the bank.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
T-Man 357, Old School, and I all agreed on something, and Billy is listening to the Gypsy Kings. I have a feeling a giant comet is about to smash into the earth and plunge us into another ice age.

---in typical anti-racist fashion,an overload of slandering and carnival tactics is displayed.

ahhh no. Its just the majority dont respect your bullshit, and we as a group are not putting up with it. Go back to your white power board.

----Billy's lyrics are racist

again no. The lyrics are tounge in cheek. You obviusally no nothing about S.O.D, and M.O.D.

----It is too bad that the ones that attacked us had obvious disrespect

and finally I will continue to disrespect and bash any white power loser that posts bullshit. No matter whos message board it is, and what the rules of engagement are. Dont like it go and cry your eyes out like the bitches you are.

Billy may welcome you here with open arms, but I sure as hell dont, and the only thing I will EVER welcome you with (or any whitepower bitch for that matter) is an aluminium baseball bat to your face. You can take that to the bank.

You bore me.I understand how you think you are going to get brownie points,but love,hate,and truth are eternal.We are doing nothing wrong but following the path of survival.When you strike at me with that bat,I will make sure to stick it up your ass.Until then,you are hardly a threat and need to post to your clique.
are you done yet?

No one cares. Your cause is failing. Every hate group gets sued and has to file bankruptcy, your heros get jailed. You all eventually get fired from your jobs, and guess what NO ONE CARES. Why is Matt Hale in jail, and why did no one care when they refused his admission to the bar? Why, because no one cares about white power losers.

firstsnowplow said:
That is why we are still growing? The jews know,why don't you? http://www.adl.org
muffytheVampirelayer said:
are you done yet?

No one cares. Your cause is failing. Every hate group gets sued and has to file bankruptcy, your heros get jailed. You all eventually get fired from your jobs, and guess what NO ONE CARES. Why is Matt Hale in jail, and why did no one care when they refused his admission to the bar? Why, because no one cares about white power losers.

With your liberal ass always giving one side of the story,sure,all would be peachy.But as with all stories,there are at least two sides.I present the White side of things.You don't like it,I don't care.You are lying to yourself to think that we are not growing or else you would not be trying so hard to stop us.Be gone jew.

Fun fact: Sarah Michelle Gellar of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is jewish.
firstsnowplow said:
An added note;If we are out of bounds,then it is the moderators and administrators jobs to tell us so.
I think Billy (who is a mod here) just did dude.............................
firstsnowplow said:
Oh? and ya'll were inbounds? Give me a break.
Everything was happy here till you showed up spewing your racist shit here, Like I have said before, Im proud to be white, but damn dude , you take this shit a little to far .

I`ll put money on it that the only freinds you have are members of your orginization. Ill bet money that all ya`ll do is bitch about blacks to .....right?

You really should think about quiting that shit, it doesnt do a damn thing to you but hold you back in life......................
old school headbanger said:
Everything was happy here till you showed up spewing your racist shit here, Like I have said before, Im proud to be white, but damn dude , you take this shit a little to far .

I`ll put money on it that the only freinds you have are members of your orginization. Ill bet money that all ya`ll do is bitch about blacks to .....right?

You really should think about quiting that shit, it doesnt do a damn thing to you but hold you back in life......................

I know people who are worth their weight.You have a very stereotypical model of racialists.I am happy there are groups for White Civil Rights rather than being drowned in White guilt.Quick,how many jews died in the holocaust?

It is all about other facts.Believe what they teach you or research for yourself.The fact that I posted "hate" does not mean it needed to be responded by hate.You could have ignored it and been a bigger man.Fact is that you all like to fight racists and seem the hero.You have only wasted your time.Love,Hate,and Truth are eternal.Get it through your head.The battle rages on.
dude what is ur fuckin problem, we got ur point, u only like white christian weeners, now why dont you just go pack one up ur ass.

I'm sure you had to spend your every hour to figure out who is jewish and who isnt, and like i said to you before, if a jew was standing right next you, you wouldnt know it.

Liked i mentioned on an other post, slavery was done by white lazy fat guys, so blame urself for that one and dont be a hater, white dudes are still hiring immigrants to do the dirty work, everyone bitch and moan that mexican do all the work, but if they werent here we all know that not a single white dude would do it so why dont you get off ur ass and go with ur buddies get those dirty jobs to get those mexicans fired, that would be some kind of action. But i know that you would feel very offended doing a n**ger's job.

Since you belive in white power and claim that you would have no problem marching around, showing ur shaved head, why dont you go to africa and march over there, bcs that seems to be the source of your problems.
CoverUinOil said:
dude what is ur fuckin problem, we got ur point, u only like white christian weeners, now why dont you just go pack one up ur ass.

I'm sure you had to spend your every hour to figure out who is jewish and who isnt, and like i said to you before, if a jew was standing right next you, you wouldnt know it.

Liked i mentioned on an other post, slavery was done by white lazy fat guys, so blame urself for that one and dont be a hater, white dudes are still hiring immigrants to do the dirty work, everyone bitch and moan that mexican do all the work, but if they werent here we all know that not a single white dude would do it so why dont you get off ur ass and go with ur buddies get those dirty jobs to get those mexicans fired, that would be some kind of action. But i know that you would feel very offended doing a n**ger's job.

Since you belive in white power and claim that you would have no problem marching around, showing ur shaved head, why dont you go to africa and march over there, bcs that seems to be the source of your problems.

I am here until I am banned...so enjoy.We are Creators,not Christians.We believe in the eternal laws of nature.Get it right fuckhead.We are here for Proud and Brave White People,not some fucking wankers that laugh at tongue and cheek racism.You want to be a commie,sit at home and do everything the jew says to do.That is a waste of life.
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