Understanding my beliefs and principles

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first off you fuckin cumswallower, i do whatever the fuck i wana do, hence why i work from home doing whatever i feel like doing.
Second of all, since u wana talk about nature's evolution, we all come from apes, so we're all monkeys, which means there's black in all of us.
You are just jealous bcs you cant drive a fancy car around and pick all the pretty chix u wana, u are left with the buttugly bitches that clean kids puke in high school hallways oh wait that's called a janitor and his name is bubba
CoverUinOil said:
first off you fuckin cumswallower, i do whatever the fuck i wana do, hence why i work from home doing whatever i feel like doing.
Second of all, since u wana talk about nature's evolution, we all come from apes, so we're all monkeys, which means there's black in all of us.
You are just jealous bcs you cant drive a fancy car around and pick all the pretty chix u wana, u are left with the buttugly bitches that clean kids puke in high school hallways oh wait that's called a janitor and his name is bubba

Hahahahahaha.....such simple comebacks.Nope,the fact is that you are sheep,not wanting to explore outside your secure cave.You will love it when the nigs are on your doorstep kicking your ass because they remembered what race was.
firstsnowplow said:
.The battle rages on.
Dude there is no battle..............havent you figured it out yet......people want to be left alone to live their lives peacefully and without some loudmouth racist group fucking everything up................you want to hate? that your god given right...but dude alot of us dont want to hear it.......If i wanted to talk racist bullshit I would go to the board on your site.............dont come here where we have been talking politics and music............peacefully ( to a point) and now its ni==er this and ni==er that...................
old school headbanger said:
Dude there is no battle..............havent you figured it out yet......people want to be left alone to live their lives peacefully and without some loudmouth racist group fucking everything up................you want to hate? that your god given right...but dude alot of us dont want to hear it.......If i wanted to talk racist bullshit I would go to the board on your site.............dont come here where we have been talking politics and music............peacefully ( to a point) and now its ni==er this and ni==er that...................

Since this forum is inhabited by minors,I will give you a chance to grow up.Get past 30 and the picture is all too clear.Have fun with semi-truth.
firstsnowplow, i've walked hundreds of time through the bronx, late at night and drunk, i minded my own business, nobody ever fucked with me. Second of all, i believe i've explore more outside the cave than you since i'm from france, lived there 17years and moved here, traveled to aproximatly 13 different countries and most of the US. i've met more people than your party will ever gather. So i certainly will not take a lesson from a redneck from NC.
old school headbanger said:
Dude there is no battle..............havent you figured it out yet......people want to be left alone to live their lives peacefully and without some loudmouth racist group fucking everything up................you want to hate? that your god given right...but dude alot of us dont want to hear it.......If i wanted to talk racist bullshit I would go to the board on your site.............dont come here where we have been talking politics and music............peacefully ( to a point) and now its ni==er this and ni==er that...................


I find it odd that there is anyone out there who thinks that the amount of melanin in your skin (something you can't control at all) makes you more or less superior to someone with more or less melanin. It's all bullshit really. To quote Shakespeare's Shylock (OMFG A JEW!!!!seven) - "If you prick us do we not bleed?" We all have minds, want to be left alone by the government and by dipshits such as snowblow or whoever, and want to frolic in the sun, revelling in the fact that EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US IS EQUAL IN THE EYES OF GOD.

God bless,
firstsnowplow said:
Since this forum is inhabited by minors,I will give you a chance to grow up.Get past 30 and the picture is all too clear.Have fun with semi-truth.
I turned 32 last may..........Let me tell you something about me, the town I grew up in upstate NY was population 452 as of 2000, Growing up in school I didnt see a Black person until about ninth grade..................My dad was racist, he was a C.O. at the lcounty jail. the jails capacity was 1000 inmates and 7/8th of the population was black ...................... I grew up in that shit, And you know what It got me ?....................A criminal record...........It made me homeless, and a drunk............Ive been there dude ..........
firstsnowplow said:
Sticks and stones.....whatever have fun chatting while the timebomb is ticking.
Dude there is no time bomb!!!!! that tick tick tick you hear must be your brain trying to work............because you have to be one of the most close-minded skinhead I have ever had the opportunity to talk to.........
old school headbanger said:
Dude there is no time bomb!!!!! that tick tick tick you hear must be your brain trying to work............because you have to be one of the most close-minded skinhead I have ever had the opportunity to talk to.........

Not a skinhead.....used to be.But I am proud,white,and unrelenting in pursuit of the truth.Don't worry,Billy asked me to stop....I will because you all are not ready for this yet.
FunFact Number 2: You are an idiot.


Me jewish, I wish. That way I could control all the money, and the liberal media. That would piss you off sooooo much. Man do I wish my name was Heshel Weinstein right now. I could laugh at this loser as I was wiping my ass with all my riches.

Here is an idea bozo, instead of spending all your time sitting around with a bunch of dudes, worshiping a perverted old man (which by the way sounds very, very gay), go to university, study, get yourself an education. Then you can get a good job, and make tons of $$$. All you losers do it sit around and bitch and whine.

Fun Fact #2 "Oh? and ya'll were inbounds?

Man you just got to love the south. I would love to hear this yokel talk.

Fun Fact #3

firstsnowplow said:
With your liberal ass always giving one side of the story,sure,all would be peachy.But as with all stories,there are at least two sides.I present the White side of things.You don't like it,I don't care.You are lying to yourself to think that we are not growing or else you would not be trying so hard to stop us.Be gone jew.

Fun fact: Sarah Michelle Gellar of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is jewish.
This guy is just a fuckin moron. Ignore his shit and let him blabber on and on with all of his "facts" and other garbage. He gets his rocks off tryin to get everyone worked up. He isnt worth the steaming pile of shit that my dog laid on my lawn this morning. Time bomb this and j*ewish lies that...ok cool, whatever guy...nobody cares. Soon enough, Billy will get sick of this doucebag polluting his messageboard. So...anyway, enough with this prick....what do you all think about this nu-metal shit thats sooo popular now? I think it fuckin blows....
Man you just got to love the south. I would love to hear this yokel talk.
Fun Fact #3[/QUOTE]

I was thinking the same thing....I'd like to see this loser
Standing there with 3 teeth in his fucking head rubbing up agaisnt his crackhead sister with her swastika tattoo checking the mail in the trailer park to see if Jerry Springer got the tape of their rally yet.

Because lets face it....Only media sources that would broadcast these losers in any light is Springer....Hey but don't let it get you down there Inbred Jed
at least your white...The only thing I want to know is...WHAT CHOICE DID YOU HAVE IN THE MATTER!!!
I think you should go back to some Hitler kissing ass board and leave the others talk about music (and the upcoming prez election). Anyway I ain´t gonna bother with any of your posts.
. I grew up in a mixed neighborhood and hate just as many white peices of shit as any other race. This dude is just afraid of black people. He is gutless and if he saw a brotha he wouldn't have the balls to even look the dude in the eye without his nazi bitch squad with him. Your a pussy dude and they can ban me all day. I don't give a fuck. Your type isn't wanted here. Kind of ironic that we are all racist against your type. To me you are the N*****. You know what I'm gonna start a hate group. I hate white supremest nazis.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Man you just got to love the south. I would love to hear this yokel talk.

Hey! I resent that! I live in northwest Colorado and everyone talks like that!

God bless,
I am southern by birth technically...born in Virginia,spent my childhood in Delaware,graduated lived in Maryland.Moved to North Carolina,then Florida,and now I am back again.I can be whatever accent I want. :) I just like the word ya'll....it is that new slang ya know? Don't they say youse in New York in Jersey or is that a misconception?
Cryptkeeper said:
If Hitler were alive today, would he gas this guy for being gay?

What guy? and why is it always Hitler? Aren't there a barrage of evil types through history.Stalin was 10 times worse.I also watched a history report about Cambodia....those motherfuckers were nuts when it came to torture.
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