United 93

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Has anybody else seen this? Talk about a COMPLETE surprise. This is my pick for picture of the year. Everything about this is amazing. The filming style has been used in indie films for a while, but when applied to the content of this film, things become completely realistic. I felt like I was completely reliving 9/11 . . . only in a totally different way. Ultra liberal Rolling Stone gave this a "classic" rating in their review. So that just shows this is no "patriotic" tear-fest.

A few observations:

1) This film doesn't chose sides, it doesn't wave American flags, it doesn't have heroes (sort of), it doesn't really even try to find emotions in the audience. It just tells a story. There aren't really any "main characters" even.

2) This film first had me TOTALLY pissed at the FAA, military, government, and airlines, but by the end I kind of understood that all those groups were completely boggled by the chaos. Nobody could have ever imagined how this would go down, and the film does a GREAT job of showing the chaos amongst those groups.

3) If this film accomplishes only one thing, I hope it will remind some people that there is still a real enemy out there (just not in Iraq).

I really hope some of you guys (lurch and Jaykeeley in particular) will see this and comment. Maybe it has been discussed in the movie thread, but I can't go in there and deal with so many shit movie recommendations.

This movie is both amazing and exhausting. I was completely blown away.
haha You implied that we have enemies in Iraq. The enemy is right here and his name is Bush....

errrr....the topic: yeah, looks pretty good, saw the previews. I'll rent it.
The biggest problem for me is that it's too soon after the events of 9/11. That just gives it an icky vibe of some hollywood producer wanting to make money out of a disaster before people lose interest.

That said, I do like the fact that it's been made "indie" style, unlike the other films coming out starring A-list actors made by A-list directors. I'll wait for the DVD release.
I was skeptical going in, but this movies simply tells a story. I didn't feel it was trying to cash in on anything. In fact, he would have made more money, I feel, if he'd waited several years to release this. I don't think many people are going to it in the theater.
i could open a can of worms, but Rescue Me season 3 is starting in less than an hour and i dont have time.
JayKeeley said:
I wonder if more people would have gone to see this if some of the proceeds went to a 9/11 charity.

That would have immediately branded it as some patriotic tear-jerk-fest. Once you see this you will understand better what I'm trying to say. This movie is sort of like Irreversible. Ultra-realistic, almost-too-exhausting, and NOT meant to entertain.

As fast as people (especially young ones) seem to lose track of what's happened in the past, this film will hopefully serve as a reminder. I hope this is the ONLY thing people watch 50 years from now when they study 9/11 in history classes. The director went to a lot of trouble to even make the hijackers seem like real people. Of course I didn't feel sorry for them or anything like that, but I definitely felt like they were real people (just like everybody else in the flim). Basically the enitre film feels like a nightmare documentary.

I'd recomment seeing this in a theater with lots of people. When the movie ended the audience just sat there. There is basically no music during the first part of the credits. Old people were crying, young people were saying "why'd I come to this? That was not fun to watch.", and some people were just trying to figure out what the hell to think about it all. Nobody expected such a stunning movie.

If you look at this just in terms of it being a movie/piece-of-art, I don't think anybody could deny how good it is. The fact that it is about 9/11 will confuse a lot of the "popular" critics. They will automatically dismiss this for the Oscars, just because they don't want to look right wing or anything like that. Of course anybody that votes Crash as movie of the year is worthless in my book.