

Jan 16, 2008

You guys ever think about the Universe? :p

You think we (as a society) should spend billions of dollars to reach other planets in our solar system?

What's your thoughts on extraterrestial life?

You guys ever think about the Universe? :p
You think we (as a society) should spend billions of dollars to reach other planets in our solar system?
What's your thoughts on extraterrestial life?
Most of it is primitive life. From those who aren't, most are not advanced enough to come visit us. Those who are advanced enough to reach us are far more advanced than us, having (some, maybe all) technologies that may seem like magic to us.
Thrūmun Edar;10751163 said:
Most of it is primitive life. From those who aren't, most are not advanced enough to come visit us. Those who are advanced enough to reach us are far more advanced than us, having (some, maybe all) technologies that may seem like magic to us.

What makes you say that most ET life is primitive life? (assuming you meant primitive, as in less intelligent than us)
What makes you say that most ET life is primitive life? (assuming you meant primitive, as in less intelligent than us)

I have to correct myself. Most of it is non-intelligent like bacterial, vegetal, or animal life. From those intelligent life-forms, most are not advanced enough to reach us. Those advanced enough to reach us, are so advanced that they possess technologies that seem like magic to us.
I've no idea what's out there. Just that it is statistically likely we aren't the only planet with life forms. So since we don't know, that's a damned good excuse to go looking.
The way I see it, the universe is SO vast that not only is it likely there is other intelligent life- I'm sure there is plenty of life that makes us look primitive in comparison. As Thrumun said.
Thrūmun Edar;10751185 said:
I have to correct myself. Most of it is non-intelligent like bacterial, vegetal, or animal life.

I agree with this, since it takes a great deal of non-intelligent life to support intelligent life. For each human there are numerous plants and animals etc.
Almost all, if not all opinions have something you base them on, and that was what I was after Thrūmun.

I also think that if there is life out there, it probably has been evolved from something, which means it was "smaller" or "less intelligent" in the past.
Almost all, if not all opinions have something you base them on, and that was what I was after Thrūmun.

Very much what Baroque already said about the non-intelligent life.

As for the other part, I think there are much less intelligent life capable of reaching us because it seems almost impossible to do with current technology. What seems to be the most promising one (well, maybe it's just what I've gotten the impression to be the most promising one; the Alcubierre warp drive), has too many challenges that it seems impossible to implement. So it seems to me that whoever is capable to reach us should have such advanced technology to seem like magic to us.

You guys ever think about the Universe? :p

You think we (as a society) should spend billions of dollars to reach other planets in our solar system?

What's your thoughts on extraterrestial life?

If you're talking about NASA's work, yes. I don't know what their budget is, but NASA is one of the most valuable agencies in the U.S. You can search the Internet to see the number of innovations they developed that impact our daily lives. Also, I read that NASA's cumulative budget since its inception is less than our (the U.S.'s) current annual defense budget.

Re. Extraterrestrial life, I suppose it's possible considering the universe is vast and ever expanding. We don't know what we don't know. I don't believe that there is life in our solar system.
I bought anathema's last blu ray for a friend of mine but it seems that you can't hear much the orchestra's presence .Anyway,is a good concert
I saw them live last year in my town,after the show there was the guitar player
with a cup of coffe in a hand singing along with fans "Angelica",maybe you can find it on youtube (Anathema live in torino 2012 ).Anyway,for me their best work is "Eternity"
There is no point spending billions of dollars to try create technology which is still probably decades if not centuries away from us. Even if we are able to send a device what would go near the speed of light it would take way too long to reach the nearests solar systems and then sending the information back would take the same amount of time.