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I went to see The Hurt Locker and I enjoyed it a lot! The cinematography was stellar, and there are several intense moments in the movie that are pretty mind blowing...
I'm totally on the fence about GI Joe... First n' foremost, WTF on the suits.. They didn't have suits, they were just bad asses...

I have see Snake Eyes - one of two things I like about what I've seen so far - and the guy they've got playing Destro, DEAD ON.. just minus the silver face..

I just totally cannot buy into the guy they've got playing Cobra commander... (can't think of his name)

I'm not expecting to be much impressed by this at all.. which is disappointing 'cause GI Joe is a very fond childhood memory... We totally had the aircraft carrier!!!! :D
G.I.Joe makes me sad. It looks like they made a lame action movie and slapped the name on it to get some appeal and to build another franchise on toys from the 80's. :rolleyes: The posters make me gag, too. "Let's get a hot chick, put her in a skin tight outfit, and turn her around so we can show off her ass AND tits at the same time! We'll totally sell tickets now!" ugh! Sorry, but nothing about this movie says "G.I. Joe" except the title. But oh well, it's just another summer action movie.

Julie & Julia is one I'm really looking forward to! Meryl Streep and Amy Adam were dynamite together in Doubt, I can't wait to see them together again.

I was bummed that The Hurt Locker was a limited release. I'd love to see that.

We just got a poster for a Prince of Persia movie. It's a Disney film that stars Jake Gyllenhaal... :-\
G.I.Joe makes me sad. It looks like they made a lame action movie and slapped the name on it to get some appeal and to build another franchise on toys from the 80's. :rolleyes: The posters make me gag, too. "Let's get a hot chick, put her in a skin tight outfit, and turn her around so we can show off her ass AND tits at the same time! We'll totally sell tickets now!" ugh! Sorry, but nothing about this movie says "G.I. Joe" except the title. But oh well, it's just another summer action movie.

I'm going to agree with you here. The more I see the trailers, the more I'm turned off to it. It's basically a cash in on the success that the Transformers have had.

I've got passes for District 9 the day before it gets released.
I'm catching Funny People tomorrow and Hurt Locker at some point maybe next week. I want to see 500 Days of Summer again though so I can add to the totals. Such a great film. Not sure when I'll see GI Joe. I was hoping to catch it at the drive-in as you get two movies for the price of one but it's paired with Orphan its first week. It'll likely get paired with District 9 the following week which I'll have seen. Blah. Not sure if it'll last 3 weeks there as they only show 4 movies at a time and one screen is almost always dedicated to family movies.
I saw Funny People and I enjoyed it. Nothing spectacular but I thought the story and acting were pretty good. And there were some pretty funny moments oy!...

The original trailer played up the dramatic points, but a week later they had changed it to play up the funny bits. I think they must have had bad response to the original.
I really liked Funny People. It had some really bad marketing though as it's not a comedy.

I saw Funny People and I enjoyed it. Nothing spectacular but I thought the story and acting were pretty good. And there were some pretty funny moments oy!...

The original trailer played up the dramatic points, but a week later they had changed it to play up the funny bits. I think they must have had bad response to the original.

I'm not opposed to Adam playing in a "drama". I thoroughly enjoyed Reign Over Me and even Spanglish. With that said, Funny People was just poorly done and too long in my opinion.

Saw district 9 and the goods today...
District 9 was simply amazing. I loved every minute of it. Camera work, story, action, character progression, all of it.

The goods was just hilarious. I liked It more than the hangover, highly recommend both
I saw District 9 today, too. I also like it. I'm also convinced that if Peter Jackson's name weren't attached, no one would have known about this movie. As it is, I'm glad he attached his name to this movie. It was very good, and I'm glad the US didn't miss out.
I saw District 9 at a midnight showing. The movie was outstanding. Great story, Great acting, Great visuals, great everything. Probably the movie of the year, IMO. I waited for months for this to come out and I was not disappointed. Highly Recommended.
We got into the screening for District 9 on Thursday. That was a great movie. The perfect movie to go into knowing as little as possible about it.
Also went and saw both Hurt Locker and Ponyo last night. Two extremely different movies and I enjoyed both equally.