Updated/Finished Ghost Reveries Tabs


Dec 3, 2002
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OK, since based on Reverie/Harlequin Forest and Isolation Years (now that I went over it again) I'm 99.999% sure that the tuning on this album is DADFAE (instead of DADFAD, which would be 'normal' open Dm tuning), I corrected the tabs for Isolation Years, The Grand Conjuration (well, actually I only really changed the intro on that one :p), and Ghost of Perdition. The one for Reverie/Harlequin Forest was fine to begin with. I also just finished the tab for Baying of the Hounds today, some of it has been corrected with the aid of people seeing them live and telling me where they play stuff (like the part right after the big long drum/bass thing, and the intro riff), but I will probably end up changing it (and the GoP/GC tabs) some more after seeing them live March 3rd. For now though I think it's about as close as I'm going to get it. HAVE FUN GUYS :E

(These are all guitar/bass tabs, and since I'm primarily a bass player it's not some half-assed attempt at filling in the bass score, rest easy bass players :p)






The jury's still out on whether I'll do "Beneath the Mire," all those tape-loop leads over the last bit of it would really not be very fun. As for the other two I am sort of hoping someone else does them just cause they're not all that interesting guitarwise but would be annoying to actually tab out all the way. Don't complain, I did all the exciting ones already :p

For anyone who complains and says GUITAR PRO VERSION OMG, can it! It takes FOREVER to copy between the two mediums unless you do a midi import, which will result in an incredibly messy disastrous file with no repeat signs that will take hours to fix up again. It's just not fun and takes forever, and it's really not worth it to me. If anyone wants to copy the whole things that's fine as long as you give me credit somewhere.

Finally, mac users can request html versions if they want. Everyone else is a dummyt if they want that instead of just downloading powertab (which is free and awesome). http://www.power-tab.net
amazing, simply amazing. I don't know how you developed this talent, but I commend you. I guess I'm too lazy to ever sit down and figure this type of stuff out. I just flog thru it and more than likely play it differently everytime.

artnoir said:
you're just incredible! btw, how did you figured out the tuning?

The acoustic break in ghost of perdition was where I figured out the DADFA part (it has TONS of ringing open strings over a moving bass note), then I figured out there was an E based on a bunch of ringing Es that couldn't be fingered any other way in reverie/harlequin forest (m75/76 was the clincher). The harmonics across all the strings in that one just confirmed it.
wankerness said:
The acoustic break in ghost of perdition was where I figured out the DADFA part (it has TONS of ringing open strings over a moving bass note), then I figured out there was an E based on a bunch of ringing Es that couldn't be fingered any other way in reverie/harlequin forest.

ah, ok...you must be a genious ;)
I use to play in CGCGBE, but re-tuned it to DADFAD and instantly came up with a new song that kicks ass, so I guess I should thank you for that lol ;)
artnoir said:
ah, ok...you must be a genious ;)
I use to play in CGCGBE, but re-tuned it to DADFAD and instantly came up with a new song that kicks ass, so I guess I should thank you for that lol ;)

Yeah, I had my guitar in GCGCGBE for a while (i have a 7 string of course :D) and it was REALLY limiting, all I could do was tab/play Devin/SYL songs ;_;
Wankerness - you are a true gent. If you are ever in the Philly area, look me and I'll buy you drinks galore.

Thanks again.
i just wanted to say, your tabs are frickin awesome. i got a bunch from the power tab archive (hopefully that comes back up soon!).

(for creating great bass parts!!! been playing all of your tabs)

Hi, impresive work !!!!
But i went to see the show and they played ghost of perdition and baying of the hounds and i was looking at their hands non-stop... there still "mistakes" in both of your tabs... theyre not major but if you want me to correct it i will, the acoustic part in ghost of perdition is wrong, opeth plays it a lot different, even the notes are sometimes incorrect...