US Election: GO VOTE!

Voted this morning.

Fucking nightmare going back to the paper ballots. I waited in line for abour 25 minutes, then made it through the identity check (what a joke), and proceeded to stand and mark all the little bubble with a pen. I biffed one, made a very small mark on a Yes box when I wanted to vote No, filled in the No bubble completely, and then went to run the ballot through the machine. It spit it back out saying I voted twice for Bond A. Give me a break. There was hardly a mark in the Yes bubble.

So then I got to stand around for another 25 minutes while the idiot helpers figured out what to do with a "spoiled" ballot. But, I wasn't the only one who had the same problem. One guy even left without re-voting. What a line of crap!

I did have a jolly laugh yesterday when I saw our Secretary of State's commercial on TV regarding our voting process - "New Mexico is leading the nation with our new paper ballots..." WTF?! Which nation are we leading? China?
going to vote after work. These new ballots SUCK, both paper and touchscreen. There was nothing at all wrong with the punch ones, but just because some old tards can't work them, now we get stuck with ones that are much worse.
I can't vote this year! This sucks so much, because I moved and all the paperwork involved in changing my district, etc. didn't go through in time. :(
Everyone vote Libertarian. Screw the Democrats and Republicans. With the last 120 years of control, look what they've done to this country. We need a government that will let us all be adults and do what we want as long as we're not infringing on the rights of others.

Support the Libertarian party and next year more people will know about it and it'll continue to grow. Hopefully we'll see a Libertarian controlled gov. by the time I die. If not, we're screwed as a country. And it you don't believe me, consider this... Which of the 2 major parties has even raised the issue of the national debt this year? Wanna know why? Because neither of them have a plan to do anything about it. They want to continue to scare you with threats of terrorism while the really scary issue facing this country is the exponential growth of the national debt. Remember those staged government shutdowns the Republicans pulled back when Clinton was president? Well, when we run out of money and there's nobody left to lend it to us, we're going to see it for real. And it'll be really ugly people.

Now is the time to make a positive change. More freedom, less government, a more stable economy.

sorry for the lecturing tone, but it's something I am passionate about. Here's the link to the Libertarian Party website. Check them out. As a community of metalheads, I think we probably all share a similar philosphy on life. research them and support them if you believe in what they stand for.
And it you don't believe me, consider this... Which of the 2 major parties has even raised the issue of the national debt this year? Wanna know why? Because neither of them have a plan to do anything about it. They want to continue to scare you with threats of terrorism while the really scary issue facing this country is the exponential growth of the national debt.

I'm not terribly schooled in this whole politics things, but didn't they not bring up the national debt because it's a local election? Just state representatives and local town government officials? The guys running for office here in NJ campaigned on my campus and they were all about state benefits and fixing what needs to be done in this state more than finding solutions at the federal level.
If they would want my vote, they'd better have a plan for global warming. Because global warming will most likely do more damage than terrorists will ever do. Or a plan to stop asteroids form hitting the earth with a huge ass laser cannon, that would be awesome. But then again, i'm Canadian.
I'm not terribly schooled in this whole politics things, but didn't they not bring up the national debt because it's a local election? Just state representatives and local town government officials? The guys running for office here in NJ campaigned on my campus and they were all about state benefits and fixing what needs to be done in this state more than finding solutions at the federal level.

There are plenty of Congressional and Senate seats up for grabs in this election. Not all of the contests are local. And Congressmen and Senators are directly responsible for the fiscal situation in this country.

My issue with both major parties is that neither of them wants to address this issue. They believe that sweeping it under the rug is fine, and for some reason most Americans don't seem to care. There is nothing that threatens the security of our country more than the debt. Terrorists caught us sleeping once and killed a few thousand Americans, but we're talking about a complete collapse of the US government due to lack of money. People seem to think that there is an endless supply of money here. There's not. And eventually people will stop buying government bonds because they have no faith that they'll ever be repaid. And when the government has no way of borrowing to cover their expenses what is going to happen? That's right, government shutdown. Not all at once mind you, but they'll start slashing every program they deem unneccessary for survival. The ironic part is that if they would just do this now we could redirect the savings into paying off the debt, but it won't happen until we're in crisis mode. But that's where the Libertarians are different. They will can these government funded programs that they have no business being in. We'll stop prosecuting people for bogus crimes that hurt nobody and we'll save millions of dollars a year on federal prisons. And taxing drugs, and gambling, and all the other illegal activities that people want to partake in but can't because some holier-than-thou asswipes in the government don't want you to do, will become avenues for tax revenue that will again help reduce the debt. And once we've paid the debt off, we'll be the strongest country on Earth. We'l owe nothing to anyone except ourselves. Taxes will be so low that people won't be able to comprehend it. It would be fantastic. But, for some reason, people chose to just keep looking the other way when it comes to the debt, and it just grows and grows and grows. Denial can be deadly.

I'm voting Libertarian because neither of the major parties deserves anyone's vote with the way they run this country. If you want fiscal responsibility, less government intrusion into your personal lives, and social progression then vote Libertarian too.
If they would want my vote, they'd better have a plan for global warming. Because global warming will most likely do more damage than terrorists will ever do. Or a plan to stop asteroids form hitting the earth with a huge ass laser cannon, that would be awesome. But then again, i'm Canadian.

The Libertarian policy is to protect this country from all threats to its security. Global warming is a threat to the entire world, and therefore they believe in doing our share to help correct the problem.
How can you vote repub when they are still supporting a war that is only succeeding in getting our troops killed?

And my father (who has been over there) says that they are establishing permanent bases, so we arent going to pull out anytime soon.
or at least we've drained their oil.
I dont keep up on American politics.. but.. is this the BIG election? the one that means Bush's reign of terror will soon be over? Or aren't we that lucky yet?

We're lucky inasmuch as the Republican party might lose their majority hold in one or both houses of congress. If that ends up happening (which I hope it will) Bush will have to deal with more resistance from a democratic congress in terms of passing legislation and other legislative/executive interactions.