US Election: GO VOTE!

*Looks over shoulder from my spot in the chair with a sad look on my face and a pouty lip*

Because this is the political thread, I command everyone to imagine Bill Clinton with a pouty lip. ;)

And Beez...I'm SUCH a dolt...I can't believe I didn't put presidential elections together with leap years!!! :goggly:
@ Beelz - ahh.. thanks, damn still 2 more years! well.. less than that seeing as it's near the end of the year.. unless that election is also the end of the year (which I'm thinking it might be.. ) that means still 2 more years :(

wonder when the next Aussie federal election is.. you can see I'm really excited about my politics :lol: basically they tell me when to vote.. i show up to the polling booths and try to vote for anyone but the guys I hate at the time (who are usually in power) - knowing full well it doesn't really mean a thing coz they are both pretty bad..

Are you sure that the $25k was the "property value" of your house or the "taxable value" of your house? Taxes are calculated for 33.3% of our property value so that would account for 33.3% of your $75k house.

Property values have gone down nationally, but not THAT much.

Fair Market value:

2005: Land=7500 Bldngs/Improvements=82400
2006: Land=25000 Bldngs/Improvements=83800

While I realize my taxes won't be 25k, it's an 18000 increase in the fair market value of my land. My taxes were nearly 3000 in 2005,
What this huge increase means for my property taxes in 2006 remains to be seen. I'll be at an open book session, and then in court contesting this before the end of the month. Money is tight, even 1/10 of the increase puts an extra burden on me. I busted my ass to get this house in '96, and I busted my ass to keep it through bankruptcy when I was un/under=employed for 2 years. To be "pushed" out of my residence because of taxes will make me a VERY bitter man. This area is NOT being developed, and really hasn't changed much in 10 years, which is just the way I like it. If I knew I could sell it, and make a killing, I wouldn't be bitching, but that's not the case......

Holy Crap! That's bizarre. I don't see how they can do that unless they're recording it differently between last year and this year. I find it hard to believe that there's ANY land in the US that has a fair-market value of $7500 (no matter the size of the lot). I've got 1/3 of an acre and it's valued at $31k (I live in between a suburb and countryside). Ridiculous price for land... I live in Illinois north of St. Louis. Hardly prime real estate - no oceans, no mountains, just corn... Lots of $&%#@ corn...

Hopefully, they are just changing the way they're reporting the value and the taxes on the land will be essentially the same. Crossing fingers for you...
I'm just over the border in WI, between red neck land and hoity toity Lake Geneva. I live in WI because even back in 96, the home prices in IL were outrageous. In 1996, my taxes were $1850!!! Thanks, we'll see what happens, it's just such a huge jump, and an overall FMV increase of $18,900 in a one year jump! Either I'm sitting on an oil field, or Black Beard's treasure is buried in my back yard... :mad: There is NOTHING in my unincorporated villiage, or the surrounding area, that justifies an increase, let alone almost a 19K increase. Goin' to bed pissed, and waking up pissed! Grrrrrrrr

Most people here have a symphaty for Bill Clinton. Did you know, he visited my country when the big earthquake happened here, and he visited the people living in tents because their apartments were collapsed. He even accepted the tea from one of the hosts there. I couldn't believe my eyes. He always seemed like a good guy, but of course you probably know him better than we do here. So may be that was all a political show in the end. But for the wrong country :)
Rose Immortal said:
And Beez...I'm SUCH a dolt...I can't believe I didn't put presidential elections together with leap years!!! :goggly:

Haha, that's just the way I remember when the elections are held... leap years are also when the summer olympics are held, too :)

SR said:
@ Beelz - ahh.. thanks, damn still 2 more years! well.. less than that seeing as it's near the end of the year.. unless that election is also the end of the year (which I'm thinking it might be.. ) that means still 2 more years

It's a little bit more than two years (sorry). After he gets elected, there's a lame duck period that lasts until early January, and then the new president gets sworn in. It used to be until March, but that was fixed by the twentieth amendment.
God I just watched Schwarzenegger's little victory speech, how this man actually got elected is way beyond me. He drudges out a pitiful movie cliché, kisses his own wife's ass and at the same time manages to say absolutely nothing. Political spin, hollow idealistic language and Hollywood sparkle, a recipe for success making up for a limited intelligence, the planets devolution takes another step forward.
God I just watched Schwarzenegger's little victory speech, how this man actually got elected is way beyond me. He drudges out a pitiful movie cliché, kisses his own wife's ass and at the same time manages to say absolutely nothing. Political spin, hollow idealistic language and Hollywood sparkle, a recipe for success making up for a limited intelligence, the planets devolution takes another step forward.

When will he be the president :lol: I am sure he would be if he was a candidate.
God I just watched Schwarzenegger's little victory speech, how this man actually got elected is way beyond me. He drudges out a pitiful movie cliché, kisses his own wife's ass and at the same time manages to say absolutely nothing. Political spin, hollow idealistic language and Hollywood sparkle, a recipe for success making up for a limited intelligence, the planets devolution takes another step forward.

I'm SO glad I escaped California just before he took office..*whew*.
Random question: is there a correlation between listening to metal and what party you vote for? My gut tells me "yes" and even tells me the strength of the correlation changes by genres of metal you will and won't listen to. We could probably find out from a poll where no comments are allowed...
yea when I was in California I didnt vote for his stupid ass actually I voted to keep gray davis in office.

I know why he won, because the democratic nominee in california was really corrupt and had all these scandles so even though arnold sucks the other guy was just really shady and full of even more crap than arnold.
God I just watched Schwarzenegger's little victory speech, how this man actually got elected is way beyond me. He drudges out a pitiful movie cliché, kisses his own wife's ass and at the same time manages to say absolutely nothing. Political spin, hollow idealistic language and Hollywood sparkle, a recipe for success making up for a limited intelligence, the planets devolution takes another step forward.

How did he get elected? Angelides seemed significantly more incompetent than he ever has, would be one reason, at least that's why I voted for him. Also, I wouldn't give him too hard of a time over one speech, especially considering who we've elected as president for the last two terms. :lol:
When will he be the president :lol: I am sure he would be if he was a candidate.

Luckily he cannot be president because he wasnt born here.

Anyway dems control houe and senate! Now Bush can't do anything and will likely be facing a subpeona (spelling?).
It's not the first time we've heard such rhetorical majesty for Arnie is it. He's always coming out with crap like 'we're going to terminate crime and poverty' and some such pathetic movie in-jokes that always seem to have the audience rolling on the floor with laughter. Complete with the hoards of witless morons clapping everything says like a band of hungry seals, it is truly abysmal.
It's not the first time we've heard such rhetorical majesty for Arnie is it. He's always coming out with crap like 'we're going to terminate crime and poverty' and some such pathetic movie in-jokes that always seem to have the audience rolling on the floor with laughter. Complete with the hoards of witless morons clapping everything says like a band of hungry seals, it is truly abysmal.

I still really fail to see how Angelides was better than Arnold in any respect, unfortunately. :Smug: