I used to be moderate, maybe even liberal, in most areas. Then I got older and saw how politics affected me and how the American society is degenerating and losing its identity based on "civil liberties" of everybody, regardless of citizenship. For instance, Social Security was a big issue in the '04 elections. Perhaps revoking Social Security for illegal immigrants, who contribute absolutely ZERO dollars into Social Security, would help extend the life of the program. But, as part of Democratic policy, this luxury was extended to people who are not even in this country legally.
I would urge those who "hate: politics to really take a deep look into the issues in this country and then learn the difference between the two parties. America's government is absolutely political and there is no way to overcome that environment. Yes, it would be great for a third and even fourth party to come into existence to change our landscape; however, I feel that day will be a very long way off or will never come at all due to the media focus solely on the Dems and GOPs. Libertarian and Green parties do not field enough candidates in any give elections to make enough headway in furthering the parties' causes. My ballot had one Independent listed, running against a Democrat. I voted for the Independent. I do not vote Democrat at all because of my adverse stance to the party's politics and whininess.
But, that said, anybody can lob grenades at any politician or political stance. But, I've chosen mine based on my experiences, beliefs, and research, and I hope everybody else has done or will do the same rather than only listening to the media and hordes calling for "change this" or "change that" simply by voting for the other party. I was absolutely baffled as to how the Democratic nominee for my district's House seat could be locked in a 1300-vote margin at the moment with the incumbent Republican. Regardless of the party, anybody meeting the Dem or seeing her abhorrent performance in the televised debate should have immediately recognized her inabilities to lead, make decisions, and develop original ideas not given to her outside the Democrat mantra for the election. Voting for an inept candidate just to vote for change reminds me of the time my brother bought a clunker '70's Mustang that barely ran just because it looked cool. The motor eventually fell out in the middle of a very busy intersection and he's lucky to still be alive. I fear the same outcome may be in store for our country.