Debt, by itself, is not a bad thing if you have something that you are leveraging it against. For example, I'd rather pay 5% interest on my house debt instead of paying off my house early if I can make 10% by investing that extra amount each month to annuities.
I have to ask this and I'm not trying to make you look bad, but...
If you had the means to pay off your house and redirect the monthly payments into an interest accruing annuity, why would you ever chose to not do this and continue to PAY interest on the mortgage debt? I mean, this one has me absolutely dumbfounded?
Secondly, what "leverage" does the US have against it's debt? Our country is OWNED by everyone who has lent us money. That debt isn't just some number floating in space. That's money that OUR government has spent without the ability to pay it back. And cutting taxes to stimulate the economy while tacking hundreds of billions of dollars onto the debt each year is not the answer. Yes, we need a strong economy, but at some point in the not too distant future, our government will have 1 option to save this country. And that option will be to cut every single tax funded program we Americans take for granted. This is something the Republicans claim to be about, but they have never once reduced government spending to a point below the incoming taxes. The only surplus we've ever had in recent history was under Clinton, a Democrat. But instead of allowing Clinton to take that money and start paying down our debt the American people all screamed and yelled about how they "want OUR money back". "It's OUR money, not the governments!". Blah, blah, blah. We'll I've got some news for all those braindead idiots who were screaming about that...
The national debt is YOUR debt! Or had you forgotten that when the government spends money it's OUR money they are spending? And when they run a deficit and borrow money to cover their expenses it is money they are borrowing against US.
People need to wake up and realize that disregarding the national debt is going to kill this country.
Here's a simple analogy for anyone who still doesn't understand what's going on:
Your salary is $25,000 a year. You get a credit card with an unlimited balance. You start buying everything your heart desires but that you can't pay for right now, but you can afford the monthly minimums so you're ok. Every year, you continue to charge all of the stuff you want, far beyond your yearly income. Your minimum payments get bigger and bigger and bigger until you can't afford to make them anymore, and you realize that almost your entire minimum payment is going to just cover the interest. You begin defaulting on your payments. So what happens now? The credit card company says "Hey, that's it. We're not lending you any more money until you pay off your debt". Your answer? "But I can't, because I don't even have enough to cover the interest each month, so how can I ever pay it down?" CC Co.: "That's not our problem. You owe us this money, so find a way to pay or we're taking back all the stuff you bought with OUR money." So you'll look to other sources for a loan, and they all reject you. What do you do?
Now, using that same scenario, pretend that YOU are the US government. Your salary is what they collect in taxes each year. Your credit card balance is the national debt. The credit card company is Japan, and every other country who buys up US bonds and other securities that the US government issues to borrow money. See the problem?
So what options do you have? #1 - Get a second job and make more money (raise taxes). #2 - Reduce your living expenses by cancelling your gym membership, cancelling your phone and cable, etc. (cut federal programs). #3 - Continue as you've been doing and wait for the credit card company to come and seize your assets. And you won't be able to stop them because you can't afford a lawyer, so they'll just come and take what they want while you sit there helplessly watching (Draw in your own picture here).
So for anyone who is bitching about the fact that their taxes are going to go up, too bad. And if you truly wanted someone in charge where your taxes could stay the same and the debt could be reduced, you should have voted Libertarian. And you should learn about them and support them in all upcoming election because they are the only hope for the long term survival of this country. Because I can promise you that neither the Repubs nor the Dems will be doing anything to reduce government spending enough to take care of both.
(Sorry this was so long)