The problem with a Democracy is that you have to try and please everyone all of the time and succeed in pleasing none of the people most of the time.
We had some debate there, but I think we're actually on the same page. Although I do think that we COULD find the money to pay down the debt if we really tried, the statment you made above will never let that happen. We've become a country where there is no compromise. Every decision the government makes is either loved or hated. The divide between liberals and conservatives has gotten (at least from my perspective) so wide that it will be virtually impossible to ever bring them closer together. So no matter what the proposal may be, it's always going to be viewed with a partisan tint.
The reason I love the Libertarian platform is they are fiscally conservative, and socially liberal. If both of the major parties would step back and look at the Libertarian model they SHOULD realize that they are both half right, half wrong. Conservatives need to get back to their fiscal policy (because they've been derailed on that track for a long time) and they need to drop their self-righteous social agenda. Why they think they have the right to deny people their rights simply because they don't like what others do is beyond me. Yet, as smart as they claim to be, they can't see how bigoted they are. Liberals, on the other hand, I believe, have the correct stance on most social issues. The "live and let live" philosphy is what I'm all for. They just don't take it far enough because they don't want to seem too radical to the tight-ass majority we still have in this country. However, fiscally they have earned the "tax and spend" stigma they hold, because they believe that everyone should look out for everyone else. Sorry, but charity should be voluntary, not forced.
Anyway, I know it's wishful thinking to hope that someday people will realize that there are bigger problems with this country than gay marriage, and gun control. But it infuriates me to know that our government (in many cases) doesn't uphold the basic concepts that our Constitution guarantees us all. They've got their hand in everything and wield their control over us all as if WE have nothing to say about it, all in their attempt to make society conform to how THEY want it to be. And it infuriates me even more to know that people are so willing to disregard the fact that the government shouldn't be involved in many programs they support, simply because they are getting what they want. If they could collectively accept that they aren't entitled to these things, and were willing to take over the control of government programs that shouldn't be controlled by the government, that this country would be so much better off. Why is it that so many Americans feel like we need the government to control everything? Are we collectively so weak that we can't smoke a joint if we want to, or play some freakin' poker in the privacy of our own home? Can't people see that this is NOT a free country anymore? That our government has grown so much that there is literally almost nothing you can do anymore that doesn't have some governmental oversight? I mean, really, what the hell is the actual value in a dog license? Or a marriage license? And why the hell is our government involved in marriage for (of any kind), and to the point where they want to amend the US Constitution to restrict the rights of a minority in this country?
We're totally out of control here, and very few people seem to care. What the hell is going on? Is it really that hard to comprehend the bigger picture? I truly believe that our government had gotten so big, and has made so many promises that they will take care of us (social security, the war on terror, etc.) that people honestly believe that everything is going to be fine. I think they believe that the government is somehow all-knowing, and they have better visions than all of us peons. How wrong they are. If WE don't keep our government in check then it's OUR fault when things come crumbling down. And they will come crumbling down eventually, that's a certainty. Because like you said Fossil, all the checks and balances that have been created by our government are just tossed aside when they can't execute their plans within those guidelines. So then what control do we really have? None. And the saddest part is that most Americans just don't seem to care.
Anyway, this whole rant wasn't directed at you Fossil. I just started rambling. I just can't stop myself sometimes because I feel so strongly about this subject. And I don't have a new SyX CD to relieve my mind of this stress!

Well, I'm done now. I've spent way too much time writing this and not doing my work. Have a great day everyone!