US Election: GO VOTE!

Voted, went to the post office, saw a note with my new assessments, My house didn't go up more than $1500, but my property went from $7500 TO $25000!!!!!!!! This better be a mistake, or I swear to God someone in my town will die! How sad is it when taxes force you out of a little unicorporated shithole???? Looks like I'll be moving soon as possible, if this goes the wrong way......Happy fucking election day! BASTARDS! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Voted, went to the post office, saw a note with my new assessments, My house didn't go up more than $1500, but my property went from $7500 TO $25000!!!!!!!! This better be a mistake, or I swear to God someone in my town will die! How sad is it when taxes force you out of a little unicorporated shithole???? Looks like I'll be moving soon as possible, if this goes the wrong way......Happy fucking election day! BASTARDS! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


That's not right, man. Sounds like a mistake. Hope it gets worked out!
Voted, went to the post office, saw a note with my new assessments, My house didn't go up more than $1500, but my property went from $7500 TO $25000!!!!!!!! This better be a mistake, or I swear to God someone in my town will die! How sad is it when taxes force you out of a little unicorporated shithole???? Looks like I'll be moving soon as possible, if this goes the wrong way......Happy fucking election day! BASTARDS! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, it better be a mistake...

And just remember, democrats AND republicans approved Bush's invasion of Iraq (not that I'm saying I support or object either way). There are MANY problems with our governmental organization - it's called politics. Fighting for a single person's career instead of doing only what is necessary for the betterment of the people.

As Winston Churchill said, "...democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." If you can do better, get yourself on the ballot - otherwise, quit your bitchin' and vote in support of your ideals. If enough people want change (as it appears they do), then things will change - that's the way it was designed, and that's the way it works. People were sick of Clintonesque policies, so they elected a republican. Now they're sick of Bush, so they'll vote democratic next time.
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, it better be a mistake...

That's not right, man. Sounds like a mistake. Hope it gets worked out!

Holy crap, JayDub :OMG:

I am BEYOND pissed! Trying not to hurt anyone until I talk to a couple neighbors tomorrow, as well as the "mayor"......
If that's the price, there better be a few hundred billion barrells of crude under my foundation. Jax has seen my humble little house, a $25K lot, it is not...Thanks for the support people! I'll report back soon as I hear anything.

J-Dubya - waiting to hold someone accountable!

Are you sure that the $25k was the "property value" of your house or the "taxable value" of your house? Taxes are calculated for 33.3% of our property value so that would account for 33.3% of your $75k house.

Property values have gone down nationally, but not THAT much.
Okay guys. I'm going to bug you about this:

Have you voted yet?

I don't really care who you're voting for, but it's important that you go do it!

Leave a reply once you've voted!

I did early voting.

From what I've been hearing on the news, there's been record turnout in some places. Regardless of why it's happening, and what impact it has on the outcome, I'm very glad to know that the government will be that little bit closer to representing the will of the people. I wish we could have 100% turnout, but oh well...

Now if we can just abolish the Electoral College, I'll be even happier. No bitching about the 2000 election, please; that was according to the legal system at the time. A system that I want to see abandoned in favor of the popular vote for the future. The Electoral College has outlived its usefulness.
SilentRealm said:
ah so its not the big one.. when is that anyway?

I would have voted.. but.. don't think they'd accept it from us Down Under's..

Presidential elections are held on what happens to be leap years. The last one was in 2004, the next presidential election will be in 2008. This race that's going on now is called the midterm elections, aptly named because the elections are held between presidential elections. There are elections held every year; it's just that those are for local government positions like mayors, governors, state senators, etc.