USA vs. Europe: Where the music & fans differ...?

here's my 2 cents..

1 - Icedragon and Harvester are right on the money, let me get that outta the way.

I totally disagree with that article, and in fact I find it insulting to a certain extent, granted not much of one, but I do because I listen to a LOT of different types of metal and music. For example, I am looking down at my PC desk and here are the cds in front of me; Tenactios D, Mya - Moodring, the Beatles - Let It Be..Naked and Dream Evil - Evilized. Go ahead take your pot shots while you can, but all 4 are great albums, and last night on the way back from the Lightning trouncing the Capitals I had Children of Bodom, Therion and the Darkness playing... how's that for a mix.

The same people who are "strutting macho" right now at my age and blasting "fantast metal" probably have more than 1 Poison, Ratt & Cinderella album in their collection or have owned them and saw them live. Nothing says macho like a can Aquanet, maybelline and ass-less pants.

Now let me get over to the blues part. BB KING can say more in one note on his guitar than any Malmsteen-esque player can in 50. Little Richard could insite more controversey in one show than Eminem can on an entire tour. Blues is an integral part in rock & metal on both sides of the ocean. Anyone who says otherwise is seriously mis-informed and should take a course in Rock history (they do exist, I took one) and music history, it's very interesting. Hell you don't even have to take a course, just read a few books other than your current liner notes... 'cuase if you think Iron Maiden and Blind Guardian are literary (spelling?) masters than you got issues :)

Nightwish touring with Evanescence would be a great thing.. just picture 1,000+ PP attendees walking out after Nightwish's set was finsihed (joke).
It would be good for exposure in the states and good for their band, no matter how grueling the experience for us it would be.

The same thing said for when Therion was talking about opening up for Type O Negative here.. he said that their (Type O's) fans would be the ones to understand and get what they were doing. I for one, would love to see THAT show.

Lacuna Coil is on Ozzfest this year... there's a nice step. Dimmu is on the main stage. These types of metal are making an impact, no matter how small, and slowly but surely you'll start seeing results. Last year they had Cradle of Filth, Meshuggah before that. Iced Earth/COB/Evergrey are touring. we're getting our way, it just takes time.

--edit here--
oh yah, Broadcasters are all about the money, in reference to the post above. computer-genereated radio (clear channel) is no better than MTV. DJs have no control over what they can play. I worked at a clear channel station and was training to be on air, everything is planned out.. the DJ may be able to alter one song an hour, but that's it. Their "all-request" morning show was a joke.. it was all pre-generated and they would slap something on when they felt like it. They only true show they have is the PIT, which plays all kinds of extreme metal from power -death, and it's on-the-fly with their DJ.

my thought on the whole thing was this... how are you going to know what people want to hear if you only keep playing the same crap over and over for them? How do you know someone in the area wouldn't mind hearing "the Darkness" (for example) instead of Pink Floyd's the Wall for the bazillionth time?

We need real DJs back. Imagine what would have happened if that one DJ in New York decided not to play all those Ramones songs that day.... it's a scary thought.
Creeps said:
I totally disagree with that article, and in fact I find it insulting to a certain extent, granted not much of one, but I do because I listen to a LOT of different types of metal and music.
Yes, but the article was aimed at the general public, whereas you're probably the exception to the norm and aoivd waiting for MTV to tell you what you should be listening to. Blues was 'discovered' in the the USA, no doubt, and classical music was made popular a few centuries earlier in countries like Austria and Germany. Obviously that's going to have some bearing on how music evolves from each region.

Now let me get over to the blues part. BB KING can say more in one note on his guitar than any Malmsteen-esque player can in 50.
To be fair on the man, Yngwie Malmsteen, although his major influence is Bach and the general Rennaisance period, you can't deny his absolute obsession and devotion to Jimi Hendrix. He even takes a left handed Fender Strat and turns it upside down for right-handed playing! :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
Yes, but the article was aimed at the general public, whereas you're probably the exception to the norm and aoivd waiting for MTV to tell you what you should be listening to. Blues was 'discovered' in the the USA, no doubt, and classical music was made popular a few centuries earlier in countries like Austria and Germany. Obviously that's going to have some bearing on how music evolves from each region.

To be fair on the man, Yngwie Malmsteen, although his major influence is Bach and the general Rennaisance period, you can't deny his absolute obsession and devotion to Jimi Hendrix. He even takes a left handed Fender Strat and turns it upside down for right-handed playing! :tickled:
O h I know about Yngwie.. I said Malmsteen-esque.. meaning clones, and people who play all technical without much feeling.. you can tell by listening when something like that stands out.