User of the Year

Go ahead and keep thinking that. It might be right some day.

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If admins are out (great job on the new look, @MetalAges !), I'd have to go with @CASSETTEISGOD . I don't always agree with him, but he's helped to make the forum more interesting to frequent. Honorable mention to @Omni , great to see you back on the regular. Speaking of @KafkaX , where's Cody been to? Maybe I haven't payed attention or lurked much past GMD Social, but it doesn't seem like he's been around much. Also, here's to the triumphant return of @Onder ! I just wish Ein weren't being so good and getting a PhD and stuff. There's been quite a few times since he's left that I've hopped on the forums with a buzz and saw old posts of his thinking they were new and got excited only to be disappointed. Also, @Dak should get some kind of award for *finally* accepting the name we all know him as :p
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I think I'd have to give it to @Onder for the sheer number of lols, but honourable mentions go to @CASSETTEISGOD for being the quickest to become part of the furniture around here that I've seen and @HamburgerBoy for his autistic analyses and general honest weirdness.
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I still find it difficult to believe that CASSETTEISGOD isn't an old-school member returning under a new name, he's everywhere here and brought a lot of new energy, definitely gets my vote. MetalAges of course deserves big props too for everything he's done here. Even though I don't agree with Omni on much, I like that she's persistent and another source of activity on this board this year. Glad Baroque is back more cuz he seemed to take a break for a bit. This board has lots of distinctive personalities though, there's no one I would want to see gone, crustycumstainclad hugs to all of you. <3
I'd also like to throw a shout out for @divine_torture, one of the coolest posters here. He was pretty active the first half of the year, don't know what happened to him as of late though.
Hey, thanks buddy. I've had a busy/rough year. I'm just recently playing catch up on music I've missed the last few months and have posted a couple times here lately. I'll be more active here now, though.

Speaking of, got any recs since August?
Good to see you back man!

I haven't listened to much stuff from last year, but here are a few recs off the top of my head..

Black Breath - Slaves Beyond Death
Abyssal - Antikatastaseis
Alkaloid - The Malkuth Grimoire
Chapel of Disease - The Mysterious Ways of Repetitive Art
Gorod - A Maze of Recycled Torment
Atomicide - Chaos Abomination
Satan - Atom by Atom
Hellbastard - Feral
Psycroptic - S/T
Iconoclasm - S/T

I feel like I was in line to win jackass of the year but a few of you really took up the reigns whilst I toned down. I'm a bit ashamed.
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I think id be in the running for drug user of the year.
I give a vote for Death Delirium, always enjoy his posts even though im not as huge of a DM fan.
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If somehow manages to post 4k+ posts in less than a year and 90% of that isn't trolling, knows his metal, and isn't a total fucktard he has to be UotY.
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i've licked more buttholes than all of you combined this year, what do i win?
I'd be surprised if they had any asshole hair. I think it's fair to assume that it's standard to keep their waxholes butted.