Velvet Cacoon are really fucking good, sirs!

Wires & Waves

New Metal Member
Feb 4, 2006
After some talk about them in another thread I decided to go back and listen to Genevieve which I haven't heard in a while.

Some people seem to write it off as simply Burzum-worship or something, but these people lack the musical vocabulary to recognize what it really is; an ambient combination of shoegazer and black metal (the fact that they've now apparently gone on to become a shoegazer band kinda exemplifies this). Given that I don't really listen to metal any more (and yes I am going to keep bringing this up in every single fucking post) and I'm really getting into shoegazer, it's pretty fascinating to pick up on this stuff for the first time. I remember an interview where SGL said they get their guitar sound by fucking with the original guitar riffs with a shitload of computer effects, and just building up the layers with different effects, which is startlingly similar to what it sounds like My Bloody Valentine (who as some of you have probably noticed are my obsession of the moment, as well as pretty much the best shoegazer band ever) did on Loveless. I always thought Genevieve was a good album, but now I realize it's a release that almost transcends the blackmetal genre.

I agree, Genevieve is good.. but considering the bands recent history, and the fact that I don't like anything else by them... I wouldn't say they're really great altogether. What have you heard other than Genevieve?
I've heard their other black metal stuff which as far as I remember is kinda crappy, and How The Last Day Came... which is like quirky psych-blues or something with girl vocals which I actually really like!
Spectacular Views said:
After some talk about them in another thread I decided to go back and listen to Genevieve which I haven't heard in a while.

Some people seem to write it off as simply Burzum-worship or something, but these people lack the musical vocabulary to recognize what it really is; an ambient combination of shoegazer and black metal (the fact that they've now apparently gone on to become a shoegazer band kinda exemplifies this). Given that I don't really listen to metal any more (and yes I am going to keep bringing this up in every single fucking post) and I'm really getting into shoegazer, it's pretty fascinating to pick up on this stuff for the first time. I remember an interview where SGL said they get their guitar sound by fucking with the original guitar riffs with a shitload of computer effects, and just building up the layers with different effects, which is startlingly similar to what it sounds like My Bloody Valentine (who as some of you have probably noticed are my obsession of the moment, as well as pretty much the best shoegazer band ever) did on Loveless. I always thought Genevieve was a good album, but now I realize it's a release that almost transcends the blackmetal genre.

it transcends music itself and is better categorized as "shit"
Spectacular Views said:
After some talk about them in another thread I decided to go back and listen to Genevieve which I haven't heard in a while.

Some people seem to write it off as simply Burzum-worship or something, but these people lack the musical vocabulary to recognize what it really is; an ambient combination of shoegazer and black metal (the fact that they've now apparently gone on to become a shoegazer band kinda exemplifies this).

Which is gay on the face of it. It's not a lack of 'musical vocabulary', but a presence of taste on the part of their detractors that motivates the dismissal of this utterly useless joke band.

The whole concept of 'shoegazer' music is so horrendously buggered that it ought to be beyond the pale even for card-carrying faggots. Mawkish, maudlin, morose, moronic - teenage angst gussied up as 'mature' moping - pretentious in the way that only shit aimed at liberal arts undergrads can be, shoegazer is the very definition of fail.
Europa Ascendent said:
Which is gay on the face of it. It's not a lack of 'musical vocabulary', but a presence of taste on the part of their detractors that motivates the dismissal of this utterly useless joke band.

you just dont get it man

edit: so which anus faggot are you? falco?

i guess some people are still pissy that VC effectively (and hilariously) trolled the entire blackmetal community
Spectacular Views said:
After some talk about them in another thread I decided to go back and listen to Genevieve which I haven't heard in a while.

Some people seem to write it off as simply Burzum-worship or something, but these people lack the musical vocabulary to recognize what it really is; an ambient combination of shoegazer and black metal (the fact that they've now apparently gone on to become a shoegazer band kinda exemplifies this). Given that I don't really listen to metal any more (and yes I am going to keep bringing this up in every single fucking post) and I'm really getting into shoegazer, it's pretty fascinating to pick up on this stuff for the first time. I remember an interview where SGL said they get their guitar sound by fucking with the original guitar riffs with a shitload of computer effects, and just building up the layers with different effects, which is startlingly similar to what it sounds like My Bloody Valentine (who as some of you have probably noticed are my obsession of the moment, as well as pretty much the best shoegazer band ever) did on Loveless. I always thought Genevieve was a good album, but now I realize it's a release that almost transcends the blackmetal genre.


we need more girls like you in this world! :kickass:
Spectacular Views said:
you just dont get it man

No, I get it. I get that you're a stupid cunt in freshman comp. I get the fact that the whole concept of 'black metal,' hell, of art itself, is so far beyond your ken that I might as well be discussing quantum physics with the carcass of an armadillo. I get that you're probably having your current 'taste' dictated to you by the ambiguously gay aesthete in your intro soc course that you have an inexplicable crush on.

I get it, which is why I'm here to tell you that you're a fucking idiot, little girl.
As for 'trolling the black metal community'

1. There is no 'community' to troll

2. The 'elitists' you dismiss were calling VC a hokey jokey mediocrity 3 years ago when they burst on the internet scene