Velvet Cacoon are really fucking good, sirs!

i dunno man given the praise heaped on bands such as deathspell omega (smrc at least, kenose sucked dicks imo), alcest and drudkh, it's not like there's no room for evolution for the average blackmetalfan.

then again i dont know if the people here are really representative of the black metal scene as a whole, i know the people on the fmp board for example are ridiculously purist faggots
I despised that Genevieve album when I listened to it about a year ago. Maybe I'll give it another whirl.

PS wtf is shoegazer?
is it really fair for everyone to call europa ascendant an anus drone when prozak has lavished so much praise on my bloody valentine (who are great btw)
Mormagil said:
is it really fair for everyone to call europa ascendant an anus drone when prozak has lavished so much praise on my bloody valentine (who are great btw)

falco (who im assuming it is) is less of an anus drone and more some kind of anus spinoff who is even worse than prozak
Spectacular Views said:
then again i dont know if the people here are really representative of the black metal scene as a whole, i know the people on the fmp board for example are ridiculously purist faggots
i really hate to reply to a polarity post so i'll pretend i'm not but being "purist" should really mean embracing innovation since all the original second wave bands were very very innovative and innovation and not copying others is really a considerably large part of "black metal ideology"

what fmp dudes do it embrace stagnation and darkthrone clone bands which is not being "purist", it's rather being "gay"

also ben you worthless raging faggot thanks for uploading loveless ive been looking for it a while because i like slowdive and shit like that but ive never actually heard mbv

go jump off a cliff
Erik said:
i really hate to reply to a polarity post so i'll pretend i'm not but being "purist" should really mean embracing innovation since all the original second wave bands were very very innovative and innovation and not copying others is really a considerably large part of "black metal ideology"

what fmp dudes do it embrace stagnation and darkthrone clone bands which is not being "purist", it's rather being "gay"
Purist isn't embracing innovation. A purist would regard all second wave bands and shitty clones and what not as the only true music
Well I listened to that Loveless album a couple of times Specatcular Views and it is pretty damn awesome.

However it's not going to make me drop my metal playlist anytime soon, just a nice alternative on occasion. Thanks anyways :kickass:
Genevieve is pretty much the one to hear, and also the only release that's easily obtainable. Dizzy From Eternity is kinda cool too (not metal though), but it's a download-only kinda thing.

I think it's pretty interesting that this band now seem to have no interest in releasing their music to a wider audience, actually. They'd surely have no trouble getting signed, but they seem content to release their music to a small circle of friends (although some of it does end up on the internet anyway).

Also there are really hot chicks in this band.
Spectacular Views said:
Genevieve is pretty much the one to hear, and also the only release that's easily obtainable. Dizzy From Eternity is kinda cool too (not metal though), but it's a download-only kinda thing.

I think it's pretty interesting that this band now seem to have no interest in releasing their music to a wider audience, actually. They'd surely have no trouble getting signed, but they seem content to release their music to a small circle of friends (although some of it does end up on the internet anyway).

Also there are really hot chicks in this band.
Cool, thanks for the advice.:) I'm downloading Genevieve, Dizzy From Eternity, and How the Last Day Came, but it'll probably take a while since I'm already downloading some dark ambient as well (Atrium Carceri, Raison D'être, Sephiroth, and a few others), so when all that's done I'll listen to VC and let you know what I think. I listen to a lot of different music, so I will probably end up liking them.:lol: