Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve (3/10)

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
This bands dick must have red rings around it by now, because it's been getting a lot of sucking. Does it deserve that sucking? Fuck no! This has got to be one of the most overrated and overhyped bands I've ever had the displeasure of comming accross. First of all, the band go out of their way to try to be kvlt. This is their first offical "public" release. Their so kvlt that nobody else but them can hear the music because people would probally die from hypothermia due to their extreame grimness. But, this album must not be very grim and frostbitten because the band actually lets us hear it. Arn't we lucky? There are many things wrong with this album. First, the band tries way to hard to create atmosphere rather than create good music. The constant use of stretched out tremolo guitar patterns gets extreamly annoying. The production on the album blows. It's muffled all to hell. The drum machine also sucks. It sounds more techo than black metal. The enitre album is simply unoriginal and boring. It's amazing that so many people labeled this album "amazing" and called it "amazing". There's absoluly nothing amazing about it. It's just tired, mediocre, and very boring black metal made by a bunch of tree hugging hippie faggots.


Track list:

1. 1
2. P.S. Nautical
3. Avalon Polo
4. Laudanum
5. Fauna & Flora (arn't these the faries from Sleeping Beauty?)
6. Genevieve
7. Bete Noir
They are a tad pretentious, but their description of the album is intriguing. Souds very spacey/ambient.
It's probably the most overrated BM album I've come across since I started enjoying the genre, but it creates ambience decently, I don't dislike it.
Cryptkeeper said:
I don't bash fags all the time. Just when they're really, really gay :) Now go and listen to hippie black metal and plant some trees k :)
k seems more productive than writing shit reviews that actually say nothing about the music except "LOLZ IT SUX" and has every other word misspelt :)
This band is capable of writing a good song here and there(see "Fire Bloomed from Frost"), but this album is all hype. If all of the ecofascist/kvlt nonsense hadn't been stirred up on FMP, AML and then less strictly black metal oriented forums, no one but a few people looking for another droning, somewhat Burzumish album would care. The only thing about this that cannot be heard on a few hundred other generic albums is the oddly layered guitar sound. The songs are overlong and simply structured. Most of the guitar playing itself is lifeless trem picking, which seems to meander for an eternity. Drums are standard strobing beats to be found on any "hypnotic" black metal album. Worst of all, the entire affair seems passionless. Neither feral and hateful nor epic and heroic. This is not music to hate, it's far too innocuous for such an extreme reaction. VC is nursing home black metal.
Demiurge said:
This band is capable of writing a good song here and there(see "Fire Bloomed from Frost"), but this album is all hype. If all of the ecofascist/kvlt nonsense hadn't been stirred up on FMP, AML and then less strictly black metal oriented forums, no one but a few people looking for another droning, somewhat Burzumish album would care. The only thing about this that cannot be heard on a few hundred other generic albums is the oddly layered guitar sound. The songs are overlong and simply structured. Most of the guitar playing itself is lifeless trem picking, which seems to meander for an eternity. Drums are standard strobing beats to be found on any "hypnotic" black metal album. Worst of all, the entire affair seems passionless. Neither feral and hateful nor epic and heroic. This is not music to hate, it's far too innocuous for such an extreme reaction. VC is nursing home black metal.

That description reads a lot like my review at M-A, but without the run-on fuckup at the end. :p
This has nothing to do with the album, but this question, and the answer from an interview proves that the band are a bunch of fucking loons:

Another view you hold that many would consider atypical is that you support asexuality and abstaining from sex, etc. Can you explain why you support this belief?

I have no interest in neither sex nor love. It doesn't offer me anything, although I am a bit of a misanthrope so it should be known that I am rarely beguiled by other humans. I have no interest in procreation, personally. I do not oppose the life cycle continuing, but I have no interest in taking part of the process. To lust for the flesh of another being is illogical for us. We prefer carving flesh, not kissing it, and we do not need to be validated by another human being. I am content with my existence, and I savor my solitude. Your mileage may vary. This lifestyle is not for everyone. Many gain no satisfaction from this type of isolation.
We prefer carving flesh, not kissing it, and we do not need to be validated by another human being.
"Never laid in my life" is how I read that, as well as "What the fuck? Carving flesh?!'