
I have standardized testing in school right now. It's horrendously boring and makes me extremely restless and exhausted.

My parents are flipping the fuck out constantly over grades and college shit, and it's getting unbearable. They're taking away freedoms as I get older, rather than giving me more. It seems like I can't do anything without them finding some reason to yell at me about it--like my dad one night randomly getting furious at me for being awake at 12:30 and throwing a bunch of my CDs across the room. I have no idea what I want to do for college, but I really just need to not live at home anymore, and my parents keep threatening to not give me any financial support. I think that a lot of this is a result of my brother dropping out of college, and it's completely unfair that they think I'm going to do the same thing as him.

I just broke up with my boyfriend, and even though we were only dating for about a month, I feel like shit because he obviously felt a lot more for me than I did in return. I wasn't happy with it, but I think I might end up regretting ending it with him because I feel like I'm not going to be able to do any better.

And pretty much all of my friends have been ditching me lately.

The end. Sorry for the rant, but that was the point of this thread, right?

Eek. Your parents probably are just stressed, upset or what not about your brother. I guess just try to take it and let it dissipate :(.

As to your boyfriend and your breakup, it's better not to stay with someone who you don't feel the same level of affection for. Because you'll only end up miserable. I can attest to being in your ex's position, and wishing I had been dumped a lot sooner, because I ended up getting shit on, cheated on and beaten up. Which is an entirely other story... But you'll definitely find other mens, you're young, and awesome.

Friends sometimes suck :( I sorry.
And to Jen, light a candle or take a bath or something relaxing! And to Cara, that sucks :(

feel better everyonessssss.

The only ranting I can really go on is that I miss my boyfriend but he's picking me up in an hour and I am tres excited. I am halfway done with my 20 page conference (final paper) for Lit, and halfway done with the illustrations for my children's book (final project in child psych) but...stressed about finishing both properly. Ohhh noes.
Holy shit man, I had my first cheeseburger with fried egg a couple weeks ago and that shit DOMINATED my taste buds!

I hate onions though.
My cell phone is fucking up, its failing to send text messages and when I dial a number it just has that screen that says dialing and nothing happens. I'm expecting a call for work and nothing is going through, its making me FUCKING HOSTIIIIIIIIIIILE.
I feel completey awesome.

This stuff everyone gets so upset about - it's not life, if you ever fall into the trap of thinking it is then you pretty much deserve the dull and dreary existence it presents you with.

Transcend it!
I feel completey awesome.

This stuff everyone gets so upset about - it's not life, if you ever fall into the trap of thinking it is then you pretty much deserve the dull and dreary existence it presents you with.

Transcend it!
Are you trying to tell me to find an existence that's not dreary without omelettes? Yeah right!
I feel completey awesome.

This stuff everyone gets so upset about - it's not life, if you ever fall into the trap of thinking it is then you pretty much deserve the dull and dreary existence it presents you with.

Transcend it!

I never said I was miserable or anything like that, but this is a venting thread, so I just brought up the things that are worrying me right now.