Honey, is it that time of month???? Sorry, don't mean to announce it to the world. As far as some luvin'??? I'll give you some loving anytime (period or not). I think you are very attractive, etc... Hope I'm not being "creepy". Get in touch if interested in talking/messaging/spending time together.


No actually it is not my time of the month, I love how as soon as a woman is in a bad mood she's automatically ragging! Really ignorant assumption.
I am super crabby right now for various reasons (some that will remain nameless), but my number one irritant at the moment is the "little princess" in my living room watching Noggin. If I have to hear another "Go Diego GO" or Backyardigans theme song I may just go postal (which is one reason I don't plan on having children) My little sister(she's 7) has been driving me nuts. Can't wait to move in a month!! Call me heartless, but I guess I don't have te patience lately to deal well with her.

I dislike people today. I'm usually a very nice and friendly person, but lately. people are really making me want to scream.

That and I would really like some luvin.. :oops:

Sorry had to vent..
well since no one posted in the other one ill post what i said in the other...

My sister just turned 7 and she's into all those shows so you're not the only one. Then she blames everything on me and my brother (who is 11) but luckily after a number of times that has occured my parents know we did nothing.

Oh yeah, and I got a solution to school. If I get straight Bs by the end of the year I can go to public school! FUCK PRIVATE!
I have nothing to vent about. Worst thing that happened to me recently was a disappointing show and getting hit on by two different obese chicks.
Venting... ugh...

I've been fucking a lot of shit up lately... and now its hitting me like a shitstorm. My personal life has gone to absolute shit over the last few days because of stupid decisions I've made. I've been a total cunt to everyone I know, including those I highly revere. Making everyones opinions of me lower than the lowest low. I end up regretting what I do instantly after doing it, but all it does is fuck me up and doesn't remove the fact that I did it.

My excessive drinking also resulted in a lot of fucking up, but it can't be used an excuse. Even sober I don't think about what I'm saying and how it may have an effect on things.

It really fucking hurts.
