Feeling a bit better today. Got a few hours of sleep, woke up and made a phone call, sent an email... not that those aspects which I did those for are fixed, but, eh, what am I gonna do. There was no fixing either one.

The only thing bothering me now is the breathing problems, already had to pop the inhaler today. Hopefully this ends soon...
I work at a school and this week is teacher appreciation week. Today is the big shabang so theres a ton more people here than normal. Naturally, finding parking is a BITCH. Literally took me 20-25 min. driving around the school (which sits on one block) to find somewhere to park. I finally found a place to squeeze in to across the street from the main doors which is the extended day building. I thought nothing of it considering there were cars all around me, both sides of the street even.

I come in, I check in with my boss, all is well. Looking forward to today's festivities. I sit down here at my desk, and my phone rings. And its the schools security guard. He asks me to move my car. I said "uhh sure, no problem".

Not even 30 seconds later I get a call from a secretary in the main office. She says "Dan, for some reason someone reported you and your car suspicious" I was like "WHAAT?" And yea, someone definitely called the cops because they thought I was suspicious. and apparently the cops came and had my car surrounded and were running my tags and doing all kinds of checks to see who it belonged to. They told the security guard it belonged to "dan lehman" and i got the call to move my car after they convinced the police that i really do work here.


ive only been here for 2 months but come on! o_O
Well, thank the Lord you're not Black or Muslim, because you'd have been in a headlock while they politely asked for identification.
yea you aint kiddin... my boss even said "its good you didnt need to go back out to your car for anything, you would've been in handcuffs and on the ground
Well, thank the Lord you're not Black or Muslim, because you'd have been in a headlock while they politely asked for identification.

Haha, reminds me of this Chris Rock <3 sketch..

By the way Derek, regarding that Gizzen Briggs gig I informed you about a while back, I was told today we're playing at a place called "The Jazz House". I presume she meant "Jazz Bar", as that's the only place I can find. It'll be on Tuesday, the 26th of June, and will probably start around 7pm.
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Just get a job at that restaurant you were talking about. It's not like you have so many options

i could work there but i'll prolly end up just living in the place where the rent is so cheap because the have a really bad rat problem
even cheaper than the places with really bad cockroach problems
Lately I've realised that most of the lassies I take a liking to tend to have guyfriends already. To further the irony, most of their guyfriends are often close friends of mine.

Good god this thread's emo. :lol:
So, I'm a very trusting person. I give people my trust. I don't believe it should have to be earned. People can definately lose my trust, but why would I make someone work for it initially? Why do people always punish each other for things that someone else did to them in the past?
Maybe I'm too nice, maybe I should walk this life jaded and victimized. I couldn't do that, it's not me. I've been through alot in this life and I don't believe in using my past pain to punish others. Everyone is different and everyone, in my opinion, deserves a fair shot. For some reason I seem to always attract people (friends, aquaintances, coworkers, you name it) that can't seem to realize that the past is the past? Why people insist on reliving the past is beyond me. If you don't ever get over that pain that someone in the past has inflicted on you, you will never live in the present.

What does it take for you to trust someone? What does it take for you to want to take your trust in someone away?
So, I'm a very trusting person. I give people my trust. I don't believe it should have to be earned. People can definately lose my trust, but why would I make someone work for it initially? Why do people always punish each other for things that someone else did to them in the past?
Maybe I'm too nice, maybe I should walk this life jaded and victimized. I couldn't do that, it's not me. I've been through alot in this life and I don't believe in using my past pain to punish others. Everyone is different and everyone, in my opinion, deserves a fair shot. For some reason I seem to always attract people (friends, aquaintances, coworkers, you name it) that can't seem to realize that the past is the past? Why people insist on reliving the past is beyond me. If you don't ever get over that pain that someone in the past has inflicted on you, you will never live in the present.

What does it take for you to trust someone? What does it take for you to want to take your trust in someone away?

I tend to agree with this. I'm not going to start getting in the cars of complete strangers on abandoned highways or anything, but being defensive and cautious because you've had a rough time in the past seems to suggest that you let the past rule you. It's one thing to learn from it, another to be imprisoned by it. Fuck carrying baggage and issues and whatever convenient pop-psychology term is appropos, you are not stronger for learning to love less or live less freely.
I want to vent!

I ran out of toilet paper yesterday and I really don't want to go to the store to buy some because I feel embarrassed a little bit.

edit: also read that article on blabbermouth about worst lyrics and cited example, "generals gathered in their masses/just like witches at black masses" infuriates me. that line ROCKS.
I tend to agree with this. I'm not going to start getting in the cars of complete strangers on abandoned highways or anything, but being defensive and cautious because you've had a rough time in the past seems to suggest that you let the past rule you. It's one thing to learn from it, another to be imprisoned by it. Fuck carrying baggage and issues and whatever convenient pop-psychology term is appropos, you are not stronger for learning to love less or live less freely.

Yes :)

I get so frustrated sometimes. Why do people waste so much energy holding things inside? it's like they're nailed to the ground and trying to run a marathon. I really don't care if people call me emotional, it's much healthier to release your emotions. Yeah sometimes I can be a basketcase, sometimes I say exactly what I feel with no thinking, but I always tell the truth and I like to trust that others are truthful to. It's like what's the point in lying? Again, another complete waste of energy, You lie, then you have to lie to keep the lie going? It's rediculous.

I love people, There is usually something completely beautiful about each and every person I come across. Sometimes just having a person, a complete stranger smile at me makes me have a fantastic rest of the day. I am a very open person and I will always be that way, it's just who I am, but it's scary to think of how many people are killing themselves holding on to the past and how many people sit and seek out people who are alive, who actually live in the now, to try to suck the lives out of them.

Call me an eternal optimist, but I still have faith in humanity, I still believe there's good people walking among us. So I keep trusting, but sometimes, I get confused as to when to stop. What things are unforgivable? How many strikes does one get when it comes to trust?
Some people don't like to open up. I'm like that. It's not really anybody's concern about what problems I have, so I don't bother them with that. I know it's not healthy, but it's a personality trait I don't really want to change.

I don't really mind if people want to open up though.

With that said, I never try to hold anyone back from anything. I usually encourage people to do what they want. Even if it isn't the best option for them, if there is some good in it, I won't badmouth it or try to discourage them.

There's nothing embarrassing about buying toilet paper. Everybody shits. Instead of being ashamed of it, embrace it and show pride in your natural bodily functions.
All hail the doodies, and Charmin!
I bought a 12 pack of Charmin Basic a few days ago. It's the best Charmin, and toilet paper, that exists