yeah, Zanex talking about Jen's period makes me concerned about our nation's safety.​
@Zanex, he speaks wise words, what about a Neverheadz thoughts on Jen's Period thread zane?[/quote]

This is funny. I didn't mean any disrespect to Jen. I was very intoxicated and made an "ignorant assumption." Again, I apologize to Jen. But as noted, we Neverheadz have a sick sense of humor.
@Zanex, he speaks wise words, what about a Neverheadz thoughts on Jen's Period thread zane?

This is funny. I didn't mean any disrespect to Jen. I was very intoxicated and made an "ignorant assumption." Again, I apologize to Jen. But as noted, we Neverheadz have a sick sense of humor.[/QUOTE]

It's cool, I accept your apology. I noticed everyone here has a sick sense of humor, which is one of the things I like about this forum. I guess you just pushed my buttons that day.

Although there are people here to take things too far and aim their bullshit at undeserving people who really try to be nice to everyone. Not saying you do this, but there are other people who do. Although Chivalry is not dead on this board either :)
More bitching from me...

Didn't get any sleep last night, too many thoughts running through my head. Went to work about an hour early and had a garage door fall on me while it was opening. Luckily it was one of those light shitty ones so I just got a bump on my head...

Morning went slow, but eventually ended and I came home for lunch. As soon as I stepped in the door the phone rang. Twas my old fucking bank. Apparently when I had changed banks, I wrote a check about a week before that for rent. When I asked when closing that account, they said the check had already cleared. It didn't. Pieces of shit. So theres another chunk of money (about $400) I get to throw out of the door like its nothing along with another $280 which is gonna end up getting wasted soon because I don't have that other $400 now, which was my only hope... Really needed that fucking money.

So then I start to eat, and get another call. Its my Grandma on my moms side... apparently my step-grandfather is now on oxygen. Greeeeeeaat. She was also mighty stressed over some shit about my mom which is making me pretty stressed too. She's (my mother) had plans of moving to Egypt for a few months now, and sunday she told me while I was leaving her house that she had payed the last rent check she'll be doing, said she found a house in cairo finally, and was moving after my brother leaves from his military leave next month. Reasoning: She feels nobody loves her here and theres no point in being here at all... I feel shitty as hell about that since I feel I haven't been good enough to want her to stay here.

Then I went back to work and had to deal with some mexicans who are building a city building. Pains in the asses.

Then I came home, my computer pieces arrived. Finally something good... Well, atleast I thought. Fuckers totally fucked up my order and sent the wrong memory. Wrong pin-size, wrong speed, wrong brand... wrong everything. So now I can't run that computer, which was going to hopefully be an escape from the stress... especially that of the last 2 fucking days.

Anything that could possibly fuck-up has fucked up, and I'm 100% sure its my fault.

Oh well...

Sucks, Eric. Sounds like you've really got it bad the noo. If it's any consolation, I like your avatar.

Eric, I'm packin you up a cyber fatty.

Err, I wasn't looking for "Oh I'm sorry" btw... considering its my fault what is happening (for the most part)...

Basically, I don't know why I bothered posting.
I need to vent, too!

So, I think I was bitten by a spider in my sleep....about 3 times? They formed these little mosquito-bite bumps, then formed into pimple-like things, and the bite on my abdomen formed a large bullseye mark approx 4" doesn't itch at all, it just hurts like a bitch.
I've never had a mosquito bite react like this, and I know it isn't from a tick.

I'm either having a reaction or the bite is infected (and spreading), and I'm running a fever.

I just got back from the school doctor, and they think I have some sort of skin infection. They had me cut the bite open with a scalpel and take a yummy sample so they can figure out whether it's a skin infection or bite.

Then they started throwing out the word diabetes here and there, which seems to be typical whenever I visit a public health clinic. No, I do not have diabetes, I was just tested a few months ago, but thanks for freaking me out.

When the doctor left for a minute, I tried to stand up, and my lower back instantly went into some sort of awful spasm. I was hunched over on the floor cursing up a storm when she walked back in, it was lots of fun getting that to stop. yeah, they gave me two different types of antibiotics, and they don't even know what it is yet. They are getting the lab results tomorrow, but they want me to take this stuff now.
I'm a little freaked because I've taken a lot of antibiotics in the past, and I don't want to become if they misdiagnosed me (again), I'm going to be a little pissed? :(

Uhm....on top of that, my hands are shredded and tearing open around the knuckles from eczema/exposure to acid/copper dust and constant washing...and I have 3 studio art projects to finish. It's getting incredibly painful..Ugh.

The few friends that I have are going to be graduating in a few weeks, so I'm going to be really alone soon.

And I found out that my rent was raised today..again. Yaaaaaaay, I can't afford to live!
Oh, I got one more thing to add... something that isn't my fault for once.

Somehow, in the few months, I have become a super asthmatic. I'm pretty much dependent on my inhaler...

If I have to do too much at one time at work I lose my breath, get lightheaded, and start wheezing and coughing badly... so I have to dig around for my inhaler.

This has happened twice in the last week.

Doesn't help that I smoke, I'm sure. Well wait... that would make it my fault. FUCK!
As soon as I read this sentence I knew what the first reply of the thread would be. And I was right.

Sorry, been traveling and did not get a chance to post again.

Of COURSE this was going to be said, Jen is F'ing HOT. Any male worth his salt would say this. I saw I could post first, said the obvious and went on.

Jen, all kidding aside, shit happens. We all get pissed off, we all get over it. Anger can be a good thing from time to time, if nothing else just to get you out of the doldrums. I hope you are feeling better, and happier. Just think, trip to Seattle, happy thoughts..... Hugs and Horns Girl! \m/
i guess i gotta vent a little...

my gf will not stop doing what she does...

she keeps cutting herself, and overdoseing on anti-depressants and drinking tons of alchohal...this is the 2nd time i had to take her to the hospital, she has no job, cause she dosn't have a licsence or anything or an ID yet, (waiting for voters registration card) and she can't pay the medical bills, i already owe over $4,000 just for mental ward bills and medical....fuckin sucks now her credit is gonna fail cause i can't afford all that right now, and she did it again! so now she will be billed agian, it sucks cause i feel sorry for HER, not reallly me and there is only so much i can do, i am trying to get her a car and a job, i support 2 people and my roomate too, i am trying to help him find a job.

my car got stolen in the parkinglot of were i work, it was wrecked so i had to buy a new car.

just a bunch of crap, it will all pass, but hey, shit fuckin happens i guess. I am starting to have massive panic attacks for no reason, been taking muscle relaxers and xanex, only thing to keep me from hyper-ventalating

then all this crap happens with all these girls liking me and i have a gf, but its tempting and i got all this stress, hell i already have grey hair spots on my head....

well yeah, its been stressful, being sober sux.

oh and i have a problem with drinking, i have been trying to quit.

ok done venting...
This is funny. I didn't mean any disrespect to Jen. I was very intoxicated and made an "ignorant assumption." Again, I apologize to Jen. But as noted, we Neverheadz have a sick sense of humor.

It's cool, I accept your apology. I noticed everyone here has a sick sense of humor, which is one of the things I like about this forum. I guess you just pushed my buttons that day.

Although there are people here to take things too far and aim their bullshit at undeserving people who really try to be nice to everyone. Not saying you do this, but there are other people who do. Although Chivalry is not dead on this board either :)[/quote]

Thank You Jen. I never meant to push your buttons. I guess I'm trying too hard to meet my next "female companion". Any & all suggestions welcome.