To a certain extent, yes I do. I'm not saying money is the only bringer of happiness, but life tends to go smoother when you have some currency in your pocket and a decent head on your shoulders.
He's right, money brings lots of happiness. Except the last batch of happiness brought me the clap.
Just got back from my night sculpture class and have reaffirmed my belief and that of my classmates that our professor is an idiot. Tonight, I learned more from the grad student than I did the professor. Josh taught me how to use the lathe to make turnings from wood and to properly use the ban saw as well as a few tips for what I'm working on. My professor just argued with me on what my intent was for the project, gets stuck on his own idea of what I'm doing and then complains to me that I'm not listening to his suggestions (because they're don't fit with what I'm up to). And when I ask him a technical question he goes off on some rant about a book he used to read to his kids then starts talking to someone else.

Gah. This is the second week he's done this and I'm about ready to take a wood file to his face. It sucks because I feel like I'm not really learning anything from a hack who I can't report because he has tenure.

So there you have it. My rant of the night.
not really much venting i can do ... i met a friend i hadn't seen in quite a while for lunch. she'd been having some serious medical problems, so i was glad to find out she was okay. tonight was the last reading of a poetry series i've been going to all semester and i read a nice anecdotal prose poem about my powerfest-weekend adventures. i'm almost done a speech due thursday, which was one of the many things bombarding me.

uhh... my stomach's been bothering me for the past few days. ugg. and i'm listening to Solitude Aeturnus, which makes me reminiscent and sad :( ... but also glad i got to go to the awesomeness which was powerfest!
Ditto on the CPF awesomeness, but...I have 3 finals tomorrow, and I'm probably going to be broke for a while since I'm looking to get a new car. But actually May is going to bring a lot of happiness, so after tomorrow I guess what little I have to vent about will be finished.
I came into vent but... I realized for the first time in months, even with everything I hate going on, I've got enough to look forward to next month and the month after that I can tolerate it just a bit longer. This is weird, because vent threads are my second home. o_O
I am super crabby right now for various reasons (some that will remain nameless), but my number one irritant at the moment is the "little princess" in my living room watching Noggin. If I have to hear another "Go Diego GO" or Backyardigans theme song I may just go postal (which is one reason I don't plan on having children) My little sister(she's 7) has been driving me nuts. Can't wait to move in a month!! Call me heartless, but I guess I don't have te patience lately to deal well with her.

I dislike people today. I'm usually a very nice and friendly person, but lately. people are really making me want to scream.

That and I would really like some luvin.. :oops:

Sorry had to vent..

Honey, is it that time of month???? Sorry, don't mean to announce it to the world. As far as some luvin'??? I'll give you some loving anytime (period or not). I think you are very attractive, etc... Hope I'm not being "creepy". Get in touch if interested in talking/messaging/spending time together.

my high school's jv soccer team is retarded. The defenders get sucked in at crosses, they mark people like pussies, afraid to touch other players, because "it is against the rules", and on top of that they like to pass across the goal. Our midfield is not there, and when it is they once in a blue moon give a good god damn through pass in front of us so we can run to it. Also they like to whine about various shit which gets on my nerves a lot. Apparently it is a difficult thing to understand that when you are marking someone you don't go anywhere more than 4 feet away from them no matter what happens. grrr we have another game tomorrow..... we have 6 loses and a tie, yeah go (suck a cock) raiders!!!

:lol: @Zanex, he speaks wise words, what about a Neverheadz thoughts on Jen's Period thread zane?
my high school's jv soccer team is retarded. The defenders get sucked in at crosses, they mark people like pussies, afraid to touch other players, because "it is against the rules", and on top of that they like to pass across the goal. Our midfield is not there, and when it is they once in a blue moon give a good god damn through pass in front of us so we can run to it. Also they like to whine about various shit which gets on my nerves a lot. Apparently it is a difficult thing to understand that when you are marking someone you don't go anywhere more than 4 feet away from them no matter what happens. grrr we have another game tomorrow..... we have 6 loses and a tie, yeah go (suck a cock) raiders!!!

:lol: @Zanex, he speaks wise words, what about a Neverheadz thoughts on Jen's Period thread zane?
Hahahahah I don't care if you all hate him... this kid cracks me the fuck up!
when you tell a chick, that you will not take advantage of her, oh sorry i don't mean it that some men do..but hey WE ARE BASTARDS!
Hahaha Zanex. At least you're honest, I guess.

Anyhoo, instead of whingeing aboot shite, I skived the second half of the day (and no, that wasn't a boast) and got pished at a friend's house. It was good.