I just ate a bread that I took with me from home, (I'm at work). I had three breads with me. I ate the first one... then I looked down on bread nr.2, I saw it was moldy! Bread nr.3 didn't look moldy but the experience of seeing nr.2 made me feel sick but/and higly amused at the same time. I lost my appetite.
Damnit, I wanted to feast on those breads!
it's all been pretty messed up here since i got back from school.

a while ago, i found out that a close friend of mine got pregnant, and she and the guy who knocked her up have been on less than good terms for a while (but still having sex, go figure). then, a few nights ago, her crazy bible-thumping mother and stepfather came into the store the guy works at and were just going off on him, "stealing their daughter's innocence" and whatnot, so he's getting a restraining order against them. on top of that, the guy is half-black so my friend's stepdad and grandfather are making all of these "my pals-grandchild" comments. lovely. all we're hoping for is that she decides to give the baby up for adoption after it's born because there are few worse environments for a kid to be raised in, but it doesn't look like she's going to be doing that.

a few days before i came home from pittsburgh, i found out that my little sister got in a fight with a girl that'd been "messing around" with her two previous boyfriends (keep in mind, all of these kids are around 15), and my sister knocked the girl out. she was taken to shock trauma, my sister was arrested, and now we're going through all of the legal proceedings and my sister is going to finish out this year and the 1st quarter of next year at a correctional school.

another close friend of mine is moving to new york in a few days, and then, this morning i find out about mike.

ugg. good stuff now, plz?
SOOO.. One of my best friends asked me to move in with her a couple months ago when her "baby daddy" moved out. And I need to get out of my parents basement, so I agreed. I always thought she'd make an awesome roommate. She's one of my only metalhead friends and we always have fun together. So "baby daddy" found a place and she wants me to move in June 1st. Well last night she tells me that she doesn't know if she can handle my cat (she's allergic and one of her kids is too little to know that catshit is not chocolate) SO I'm trying to find a relative or friend to take my cat for me because I refuse to just give him away to some stranger. I want him to be somewhere where I can go see him. I feel like shit about it, but I also feel like if I don't get outta my mom's basement soon, I'll go insane. Do you think this makes me a bad kitty mama? :(
Not necessarily. If she can't handle the pet being there due to allergies you're more apt to be punishing the cat because the situation wouldn't put the cat in her favor.
aww, Jen, i'm sorry your kitty can't live with you. that sucks. hopefully you'll find someone to take care of the kitty for the time being, though. i know i missed my kitties like mad when i was away at school.

and congrats on finding a way out of the basement!
aww, Jen, i'm sorry your kitty can't live with you. that sucks. hopefully you'll find someone to take care of the kitty for the time being, though. i know i missed my kitties like mad when i was away at school.

and congrats on finding a way out of the basement!

Thanks Laura. I'm going to see if my grandma will take him. She's been wanting a cat. I'm crossing my fingers.

I didn't even mention the fact that she's a raging alcoholic too...

I wonder if they have much alcohol in egypt... I hope they don't. That'll keep her alive for a few more days.

plenty of alcohol there, but the only opiate she'll be able to find is straight opium if she wanted to find a dealer. it's hard to find one.
This is not a ploy for pity, it is just me feeling the need to vent. A medical event that recently happened in my life has made me question everything. It has made me question what is most important in life, it has made me question where my life is going. I wonder sometimes if I'm moving in the right direction, and sometimes I feel as though the things I once thought were important, no longer matter as much. It's amazing how one event can change everything in the blink of an eye.

Lately, I have no motivation, I have so much to do, but I am questioning whether any of it is even important anymore. I need to get out of this house (thank jebus one of my best friends asked me to move ) Unfortunately I have to find a place for my Louie, but my sanity depends on me getting out of my dungeon. Maybe things will become more clear once I'm out of my parents house, maybe not, but something has got to give.

I'm exhausted. I've been through so much, yet I never say no when friends need help. I treat everyone I care about with respect and kindness and sometimes I get nothing in return. I get a brick wall. I get a friend who refuses to open up to me even though my heart is an open book to him. He frustrates me so much, yet I still feel guilty for pushing so hard. I care about him, but I'm done chasing. I'm too tired to run. I'll just wait for him to be ready. I just don't understand why people still can't meet me half way? What do I have to do? So I'm done, I can't do it anymore. I guess I'll revert to my old ways and sit in silence. I just hope that he cares enough to talk to me when he's ready, if not what can I do? Move on, sadly. I'm tired of people leaving my life, physically or just dissolved relationships.
I've had better months. I hurt my back at workm been off for 4 weeks now almost, and I'm still awaiting a claim through WCB (Worker's Compensation Board) so that I can get some money while I'm off. However, while talking to them on the phone today, turns out the odds are heavily against me. So there goes all that. Worst part of this, is that they're forcing me to go back to work, and still, my back aches of pain.

Besides the work-related incident, my father hit his head really hard, had to get 22 stitches, but then as I go and visit him, be really nice to him, etc., he still has nothing good to say, just the same ol' mean, insulting comments towards my girlfriend and I. You'd think a smash to the head would change someone a bit, or maybe that was just what I was hoping.

I was diagnosed with Benign Positional Vertigo this week, and have also been having horrible migranes, worse than any I've had in the past year or two. My girlfriend's allergies are skyrocketing... Eyes swollen so she can't see, throat closing up, and heavily congested.

And now Mike. I may have never met the guy, but he was fun and interesting to talk to.
I've had better months. I hurt my back at workm been off for 4 weeks now almost, and I'm still awaiting a claim through WCB (Worker's Compensation Board) so that I can get some money while I'm off. However, while talking to them on the phone today, turns out the odds are heavily against me. So there goes all that. Worst part of this, is that they're forcing me to go back to work, and still, my back aches of pain.

Besides the work-related incident, my father hit his head really hard, had to get 22 stitches, but then as I go and visit him, be really nice to him, etc., he still has nothing good to say, just the same ol' mean, insulting comments towards my girlfriend and I. You'd think a smash to the head would change someone a bit, or maybe that was just what I was hoping.

I was diagnosed with Benign Positional Vertigo this week, and have also been having horrible migranes, worse than any I've had in the past year or two. My girlfriend's allergies are skyrocketing... Eyes swollen so she can't see, throat closing up, and heavily congested.

And now Mike. I may have never met the guy, but he was fun and interesting to talk to.

Sorry to hear all that!! It's seems this bad streak is hitting everyone. Maybe you should get a second opinion on your back. If you go to a different doc and they tell you not to work, then you can't work. A friend of mine is actually going through some shit with Workers Comp right now, but he's decided to sue the company he works for because his back injury was their fault. You have options, you just have to do some research.

Sometimes I want to just scream, but I have to try to keep a positive attitude and not dwell so much on things I can't change.