Well, would she be a hot piece of ass if she lost 10 pounds?

She's hot just the way she is. My point wasn't really about whether or not she could stand to lose 10 lbs. My point was people who judge others without looking at themselves first really piss me off. How are you going to talk shit about some girl needing to lose a measly 10 pounds when you look like you're pregnant with triplets?(Not you Max, The guy at the bar) Not to mention the guy had black rotting teeth and smelled like the goatyard at the Milwaukee Zoo.
I feel like an idiot for "venting here" because this is a dead thread I guess. But... anyway. My boyfriend and I were going through a hard time, and somehow it has now turned into a break. And it makes no sense to me because everything was fine, we're both just very busy with work, and he lives in NJ, and I live on Long Island. And it's always been that way, but for some reason now, and for various other reasons, it isn't ok? I am so upset, and frustrated, and want to scream and kick things. I know that sounds like a childish way to react, but I've already spent the last couple of days... you know, crying, and taking this really hard. It all just really sucks. We've been together for almost three years :cry: :cry: So I vented here.
She's hot just the way she is. My point wasn't really about whether or not she could stand to lose 10 lbs. My point was people who judge others without looking at themselves first really piss me off. How are you going to talk shit about some girl needing to lose a measly 10 pounds when you look like you're pregnant with triplets?(Not you Max, The guy at the bar) Not to mention the guy had black rotting teeth and smelled like the goatyard at the Milwaukee Zoo.
Hey Jenn.. guys are guys. We don't think about that kind of shit, especially when we're at a bar drinking with our buddies. And 99% of the time, we say those things for no other reason than conversation and usually completely forget about them as soon as we say them.

I do think it's pretty lame and potentially very offensive, and I think it's funny you returned the favor by pointing out his flaws because he did deserve it... but it's human nature. Letting things like that bother you will only retract from your own well being.

Besides, you'll never convince me that you haven't said similar things to your friends about guys you see around. "Oh he'd be way hotter if only he __________."

It's life, it happens :)
I feel like an idiot for "venting here" because this is a dead thread I guess. But... anyway. My boyfriend and I were going through a hard time, and somehow it has now turned into a break. And it makes no sense to me because everything was fine, we're both just very busy with work, and he lives in NJ, and I live on Long Island. And it's always been that way, but for some reason now, and for various other reasons, it isn't ok? I am so upset, and frustrated, and want to scream and kick things. I know that sounds like a childish way to react, but I've already spent the last couple of days... you know, crying, and taking this really hard. It all just really sucks. We've been together for almost three years :cry: :cry: So I vented here.
His loss ;)

Hope you feel better though, I know that lame feeling.
I have two guys right now who think that they're starting a relationship with me, and I'm going to have to break it to both of them that I really don't want a boyfriend right now.

Aaaaaand I'm an idiot and had to take Plan B this morning, and now I feel really sick. :(
I have two guys right now who think that they're starting a relationship with me, and I'm going to have to break it to both of them that I really don't want a boyfriend right now.

Aaaaaand I'm an idiot and had to take Plan B this morning, and now I feel really sick.
sounds like you fucked them both at the same time. that's not hot, but it's cool. or vice verse, i can't tell.