i dreamt the walls and shelves of my fridge were lines with bacon (for some anti-conspiracy reason, i believe) and that it was next tuesday and the wednesday was the new comic book day which i am looking forward to...


Indeed. I have so many incredible memories from that place, it's very depressing to think that October may be just another month this year. I'm going to talk to a lot of the other actors and see if they're going to try another house, but we'll never have another Morgue. :erk:
Indeed. I have so many incredible memories from that place, it's very depressing to think that October may be just another month this year. I'm going to talk to a lot of the other actors and see if they're going to try another house, but we'll never have another Morgue. :erk:
just kill some people and set them up in a friend's house; it'll be basically the same.

and totally awesome!
This is not a ploy for pity, it is just me feeling the need to vent. A medical event that recently happened in my life has made me question everything. It has made me question what is most important in life, it has made me question where my life is going. I wonder sometimes if I'm moving in the right direction, and sometimes I feel as though the things I once thought were important, no longer matter as much. It's amazing how one event can change everything in the blink of an eye.

Lately, I have no motivation, I have so much to do, but I am questioning whether any of it is even important anymore. I need to get out of this house (thank jebus one of my best friends asked me to move ) Unfortunately I have to find a place for my Louie, but my sanity depends on me getting out of my dungeon. Maybe things will become more clear once I'm out of my parents house, maybe not, but something has got to give.

I'm exhausted. I've been through so much, yet I never say no when friends need help. I treat everyone I care about with respect and kindness and sometimes I get nothing in return. I get a brick wall. I get a friend who refuses to open up to me even though my heart is an open book to him. He frustrates me so much, yet I still feel guilty for pushing so hard. I care about him, but I'm done chasing. I'm too tired to run. I'll just wait for him to be ready. I just don't understand why people still can't meet me half way? What do I have to do? So I'm done, I can't do it anymore. I guess I'll revert to my old ways and sit in silence. I just hope that he cares enough to talk to me when he's ready, if not what can I do? Move on, sadly. I'm tired of people leaving my life, physically or just dissolved relationships.

Wow, Jen, I am really sorry to hear that you are in the dumps. You sound like such a really cool girl, helping all and such. Treating all people with total respect, trust and friendship.

Many times in our lives (older folks insert all the examples you want) we go through trials, our character is tested, then re-tested. Then it is spit out like a used piece of gum. It is how you overcome these bullshit things and prosper, emotionally you have to put this kind of thing past you.

Medically, aside from the obvious diseases that can be avoided, Shit happens. It fucking sucks, the gene pool is a really fickle bitch. I hope beyond hope, that you are ok and the med aspect is not an issue. I know you said a "condition" but hopefully is is something curable.

So you question life, this is something that everyone of us do. We ALL do. I hope that you can find a "happy" place with your friend, friends are what makes this place habitable. If not, well, move on and meet new people. Shit that is easier said than done I know. My girl, bottom line is, be happy in where you are, what you do, and who you are. If you have all of those, this place is a cool spot. You can find happiness in it.

It may sound creepy and all, talking with a boarder. But if you feel like talking, I am here for ya. PM me and we can talk some. Hell girl, I am in Cleveland, maybe you can swing by sometime. Ask Will, my steaks are legendary!
Wow, Jen, I am really sorry to hear that you are in the dumps. You sound like such a really cool girl, helping all and such. Treating all people with total respect, trust and friendship.

Many times in our lives (older folks insert all the examples you want) we go through trials, our character is tested, then re-tested. Then it is spit out like a used piece of gum. It is how you overcome these bullshit things and prosper, emotionally you have to put this kind of thing past you.

Medically, aside from the obvious diseases that can be avoided, Shit happens. It fucking sucks, the gene pool is a really fickle bitch. I hope beyond hope, that you are ok and the med aspect is not an issue. I know you said a "condition" but hopefully is is something curable.

So you question life, this is something that everyone of us do. We ALL do. I hope that you can find a "happy" place with your friend, friends are what makes this place habitable. If not, well, move on and meet new people. Shit that is easier said than done I know. My girl, bottom line is, be happy in where you are, what you do, and who you are. If you have all of those, this place is a cool spot. You can find happiness in it.

It may sound creepy and all, talking with a boarder. But if you feel like talking, I am here for ya. PM me and we can talk some. Hell girl, I am in Cleveland, maybe you can swing by sometime. Ask Will, my steaks are legendary!

Thank you souls, it's very sweet of you. Of course I'll be fine.
People suck!!

So I was out the other night with a friend of mine. We were sitting at the bar. There was this guy sitting next to me talking about my friend and how she would be one hot piece of ass if she'd lose 10 lbs. Now he was clearly saying this loud enough for us to hear him. Normally I would ignore an assholish remark like that and just act like the man didn't exist, but seeing as he looked like he hadn't picked up a toothbrush in years, was carrying triplets, had a dirty pair of jeans and flannel on and smelled like a barn, I felt compelled to point out all of his flaws to his face. He was kinda stunned, but he laughed it off and we ended up moving away from him.

My point is, no one is perfect and why people keep going around expecting others to be is beyond me. I've seen it so many times, these men walking around looking like a boogawoof sitting there downing every woman they see that doesn't look like a playboy centerfold. Let me let you in on a little secret, those women aren't perfect either, it's called airbrush and photoshop!! People are so shallow. Mr Boogawoof I'm sure will live in a trailer on the side of the freeway all alone for the rest of his life.