Viking Crown

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Since my Phil Anselmo thread got closed, I figured I'd start a thread about this band. Viking Crown was Phil's black metal project. It featured Phil, Killjoy from Necrophagia, and Phil's girlfriend Opal. They only released 3 albums, Unorthodox Steps of Ritual,Innocence From Hell, and Banished Rhythmic Hate. Opinions on this band?
They sound alright to me. Nothing particularly amazing, but alright.
No question, Down owns them, but they're not all that bad
5thSeason said:
seems to be a trend with all of phils bands, lol (except down.. i actually thouhght the first down album was good).

Fuck that, I don't get why you guys hate all of his stuff. Just cause the majority of it is popular...