Vintersorg art


Cinnamon and Sodomy
Jan 7, 2007
the internet
Man I haven't drawn Vintersorg in a looooooong time, So I decided to do a quick sketch in my sketchbook to loosen up and maybe draw something that's actually good.

I have no idea why but I constantly envision Andreas as constantly being really grumpy. Which is a bit unfair as I'm sure he's a happy little man.
Both of them look asian, I really should have used a reference or something. I mean it's not like I don't have enough pictures of them around >__>;

It's hard because Andreas has fairly beady eyes compared to most people, I wanted to over exaggerated that like how you would do in a charicture (hence why his top lip looks so long, and Mattias' face so rounded) but I screwed it up. Lets hope I can do something better next time.
I like it!

Now that I've seen you tackle Øystein and Mr. V with pencils, I'd like to see your take on Lars and Asgeir. Let us not leave the rest of the Borkendales out of the fun.
^ try pronouncing his last name.. Hestnæs :)

Isjungfrun said:
If I feel someone is attacking me then I will defend myself and usually in the cruellest way I can think of.
ah, the age-old human instinct!
nice drawings, but did he really dye his hair darker after cutting it?