Vintersorg art

I draw with pencils and use Photoshop 7 to fix up the line art and to colour.
One tip is to set your brush to "airbrush" and lower the opacity on the brush.

Thanks for the tip! I probably should start using the computer more in drawing, I'm just more used to doing things with my hands, so to speak... But of course, you can get some great effects, and it is definitly easier to correct mistakes...
His eyes are blue.

Just tried to give the image more texture by putting the vortex layer above the entire drawing and then playing with settings, in all honesty I didn't even realise it went over the legs and feet instead of just the black until you pointed it out. I'm really shit at caring about my art and noticing these things. Oh well, he's in a vortex of music, it doesn't really have to make any sense.
Hey Isjungfrun, hope you don't mind others posting pic's in this thread of yours. This is a selfportrait I made some years back, when I was starting to learn about drawing manga. I'm showing of my incredibly cool, official Otyg t-shirt (ha, i wish!).
I pronounce his name "semen." you know, semen vortex...

oh god, the horror

lolz in the name of odin
i could tell a funny story about a real semen vortex...but this is really not the place so i'll suffice by saying one japanese word

oh and Isjungfrun...really nice stuff