voice thread/t

Swear next time NL and you'd be even cuter. :')
I dunno, I thought that the quiet part made N_L 's voice even cuter. Very cool, N_L :)

I'll have to upset you all with a sample of me sometime. :p
... as soon as i find a way to record my voice and a place to host it.... :p


In a fit of sheer boredom, I realized my mp3 player doubles as a mic. So now I have voice clips of me. But nowhere to put 'em. Darn. :p
@Waz: I was on swedish radio once when I was 11... could be from there :grin:

@Kovenant: thanks, and nice voice :)

And I'm quiet by nature :p plus, it's not the greatest of recordings perhaps...
@Kovvy: Teehee, funny sayings :lol:
"..Youre listening to my voice.." D'oh!

@N_L: Ahhh I see :p
Maybe you sound like my voice when I hear it in my head? :err:
Except for the fact my voice is naturally a bit ..loud. Sort of. :p