voice thread/t

probably not, you just picked up the imperialist accent through tv, didn't you? ;)
oh btw, I memorised the voice... what am I supposed to do with it now? :grin:

[I'm tired. I make no sense.]
@Tebus: Weeeeh sounds cool! :grin: :cool:

You sound American :p
And D_J sounds Brittish..
Hmmmm.. *thinks*
Typical, isnt it? :p

Do I sound Dutch?? :eek:
I HATE English with a Dutch accent
Ah. Maybe I should post some recordings where I actually say something. :p

Anyway, Tebus, you sound cool ;)
Hubba, even :p
i will try to record rahvin while he's moderately drunk and talking to a dog. all the cute little voices. on second thought, a movie would be even better. please realize how
funny this is going to be and collect money to send to me for a webcam.