voice thread/t

@thanatos: i definitely love that movie :) btw, you sound mad :lol:
a friend of mine here says "ay, este hombre tiene una voz tenebrosa, profunda y obscura" (btw, she's drooling on the floor, right now :lol: )

@caelestia: :grin:

@dark jester: :rolleyes: what the hell is that? *cough*pathetic*cough* :p :p

@xenophobe: :hotjump: yeah, man! you remind me of bbqs and corn on the cob :notworthy

@nick: :OMG: *speechless*
I'm going to prove I'm not a chicken by admitting the following: I can't listen to your sweet voices simply because I have no idea how to switch the speakers on. Now you may freely laugh at me. :erk:

rahvin said:
what's the point? it's not as if you...
...can hear us anyway: :p :p :lol: :lol: :tickled: :lol:




I'm not going to dignify that with an answer.

If Thanny ever invites me to his house I shall record a message for this thread as well
of course going to thanny's house from my house is like going to Canada
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