voice thread/t

Now, this is what a meow should sound like...


You'll just have to turn up the volume a bit, and excuse me for the low quality sound, my mic sucks. :p

Many many thanks to rei for trying to fix it and for hosting it. :hotjump:
The my three preferred:

1. Witch
2. Thanatos
3. Ormir

/AlienmaN (Spamming :Spam: )
Heheh Ormir, that is teh ..teh.. teh.. lol!!
:lol: Hheeh I thought you could do ..tr00er. :p

Hmm I'll get a mic soon, and then everyone will know how to pronounce "koekjes". :grin: (= very, very important)(Essential even, in Holland.)

This thread is really cool :cool:
this is the message i get when i lauch that url:
"Sorry linking pictures or binaries outside sunpoint.net is forbidden!"
so, the problem's not yours, grand wazoo :)
our dear realhazard should find a more suitable server that allows external linking ;)
anyway, i downloaded that mp3 using a simple file retriever program (the d/l doesn't start with explorer), and now i'm a proud owner of some realhazard's err... growls? :lol: :p
@rei toei: You´re right.. Even I have some problems trying to listen it. Only word that Im going to say to defend myslef is that it is to easy to upload to that "not so great" server using easy ftp transfer. Lame? -Yes.

Thanks for opinions. That is blinded by fear.. served with few horrible clangers.