Vote which singer you thing is better.

Which of these singer IYO is better?

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JonnyD said:
I'll be honest when I say luck had nothing to do with it persaverance on my part is what got me there ... I was going and Nothing in the world was gonna stop me not even a stupid Hurricane!

It's sure true about metal fans being the most loyal hey?? :headbang:
Igor_Cavalera said:
It's sure true about metal fans being the most loyal hey?? :headbang:
And you can take that to the bank! We buy the CDs, the t-shirts, we go to concerts, we follow the websites, we interact with each other, help our buddies when they need something. Go see if the Shitney fans do a 1/100000000000 of what we do. ;)
Wyvern said:
And you can take that to the bank! We buy the CDs, the t-shirts, we go to concerts, we follow the websites, we interact with each other, help our buddies when they need something. Go see if the Shitney fans do a 1/100000000000 of what we do.

You said it! :D
Metal's not just a form of music but a way of life!
AntonCrowley_16 said:
Halford is definately among my favorite singers. The rest of mine werent on there lol.
Ozzy Osbourne
Jim Morrison
Tim "The Ripper" Owens
Blaze Bayley
Bruce Dickinson
Burton C. Bell
Phil Anselmo
and the last Tom Araya

uh-oh! another Blaze fan :err:

Igor_Cavalera said:
Sure have. Great album :headbang:

3 words: Drive Boy Shooting :headbang:
Urban fucking Breed !!! He is the only vocalist on the planet that can drive the bottom end of a mic-stand without looking stupid (though it was actually designed to give some cheese and comic relief in an intense setlist.)

Hehehe. You're still on a high from ProgPower hey Bryant?

Urban Breed is indeed an awesome vocalist! And one of my personal favourites! :headbang:
Igor_Cavalera said:
Hehehe. You're still on a high from ProgPower hey Bryant?

Urban Breed is indeed an awesome vocalist! And one of my personal favourites! :headbang:

Fuck yeah !!! I have no fucking life !! I work a bad shift and work 6-7 days a week. Still, Urban rips !! I have seen more bands than I could count.

AntonCrowley_16 said:
yes I am a Blaze fan lol
but newayz....the whole damn album is good :headbang:

Another Blaze fan :wave:

Gotta agree w/Bryant.. Urban Breed is amazing on vox :worship: