Wacken 2002

Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
Stupid slave-worker-status of mine... they took any human right from me... well, just maybe I can scratch my damn free days in August all together and buy me three damn free days in the beginning...

Where do you work anyway?! They can't deny
you a vacation, but of course they can keep
you from taking one whenever you want...
Hrm. I just quit my job, which sucked, to get a better paid one with shorter work days. Still, it seems I'm not going to Wacken. I kinda, umm, blew the money I had reserved for the trip on, umm, a leather coat. 500$

And a pair of shades. 190$.

And a spiked bracelet. 50$.

lol. will try :) I had to upgrade, as my old coat is way too hot for summer, and my leather jacket just isn't scary enough. And I need shades in summer. These are even bulletproof (at least that's what they say)! Aaaand the bracelet just looks good.

I'm a master of justifying insane amounts of money-spending :P

Anyhow, new job is allready coming up... and I'll even get a descent pay!
What job is this then Vanir? :o)
Sounds interesting.
I'm thinking about changing my job as
well, but I'd miss all the people there +
the freedom to work whenever I want...

And, I'm sure you look good with all
your new stuff! >:o)
So, want to test you new sunglasses?
I have a gun here somewhere... >:oP
C'mon, just put them on! hehe...

Ironically, me new job is in (don't laugh) a TOY STORE!!!! :)
I used to work in a computer shop\service workshop, but it piad too damn little, plus the hours were terrible. Hrm. A toy store.
Something tells me they'll get me a uniform. If not, I have a hinch the customers will not even enter the store...
Originally posted by Vanir

Ironically, me new job is in (don't laugh) a TOY STORE!!!! :)
I used to work in a computer shop\service workshop, but it piad too damn little, plus the hours were terrible. Hrm. A toy store.
Something tells me they'll get me a uniform. If not, I have a hinch the customers will not even enter the store...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehe... >:o))

Toystore, eh? Cute! Think about all the fun stuff you
can test! Though I'd hate all the kids... hehe... >:oP
Anywas, as long as they pay you everything's
allright :o) But yeah, uniforms suck, though they are
a must is you look like a troll >:oP

Bwhaaaaaaaaaah!!! I want to go to wacken tooo!
I don't think I look like a troll, maybe in clothing, but that's it.. that's my pic (although tiny) on the side, judge for yourself... ;)

And seems I'm not changing jobs anyhow.. my old boss tripled my salary all of the sudden to keep me where I am right now... so it kinda makes up for everything else :D