Want a little help


Endemic Vagabond
Feb 16, 2004
I've been given three essays to write on various subjects, and I have a ten page essay to write about; for my ten page essay I've decided to use the argument of how I.D. cannot be seperated from the view/argument of creationism because the base of its's design and the culturaly bound factors and limitations of language and thought.

I have no idea what I should write about for these other pages, can anyone give me some topics?

This paper doesn't need a works cited page because it is all based off opinion (yes every paper is llike that, but, we do not have to cite previous people who came up with the same shit). The only time we have to cite something is materialistic facts - the standard

So, any ideas to help me out?
And yes, I have looked through the forum for idea's, but I'm just really bogged down right now - and I need specific subjects; any help would be appreciated.
dude, that's weird, I have about 3 essays to do also, due after thanksgiving (they're 4 pages though). I know what I'm going to do two over, still deciding on the third one. maybe you can get an idea or something, the two topics I've chosen: John Stuart Mill and Utilitarianism (for my british lit. class), Immanuel Kant and the Kantian Synthesis (for intro. to philosophy), and I havent decided the third one, maybe something about evolution, or ID vs evolution.
Seraphim Belial said:
I've been given three essays to write on various subjects, and I have a ten page essay to write about; for my ten page essay I've decided to use the argument of how I.D. cannot be seperated from the view/argument of creationism because the base of its's design and the culturaly bound factors and limitations of language and thought.

I have no idea what I should write about for these other pages, can anyone give me some topics?

This paper doesn't need a works cited page because it is all based off opinion (yes every paper is llike that, but, we do not have to cite previous people who came up with the same shit). The only time we have to cite something is materialistic facts - the standard

So, any ideas to help me out?

Why not use one of these philosophy threads for your essay? God we have discussed everything. Each thread contains all the arguments pro or con, and you could probably paraphrase the better ideas.
Moon of Amber said:
When I start studying philosophy at uni next year, I'll prob post all of my essays here.

you're going to study philosophy??? Oh I'm so proud of you GoD.
Most essays they set in undergrad philosophy are entirely bland, so I dunno if posting them here will really be to much benefit. I wish you all the best, though.
Moon of Amber said:
thanks welkin it's good to know i've got the support of cool guys like you

You're damn right I'm cool. I'm also better at philosophy than you.
Final_Product said:
Most essays they set in undergrad philosophy are entirely bland

ummm, I'm not so sure about that. Everything I've been assigned to write about in my courses is far more interesting than the typical "hot button" issues everybody posts about here.
Seraphim Belial said:
I have no idea what I should write about for these other pages, can anyone give me some topics?

you could discuss whether or not demonology is the practice and pastime of people with an over-active imagination bent on juvenility, and then whether or not the practice of necromancy by christian monks in the hopes of establishing a viable representation of the supernatural, in their case "God", was but the practice of folly or that of the science of religion.
Cythraul said:
You're damn right I'm cool. I'm also better at philosophy than you.

Well, I'm still in school studying shit like She Stoops to Conquer, that's hardly a feat now is it?!?!

p.s. you're not cool, you're an absolute cockwank
Cythraul said:
ummm, I'm not so sure about that. Everything I've been assigned to write about in my courses is far more interesting than the typical "hot button" issues everybody posts about here.

Final_Product said:

A genius of his abilities does not have to offer any substantive evidance, only offer disparaging criticism of all the other foolish ants clouded in ignorance.
speed said:
A genius of his abilities does not have to offer any substantive evidance, only offer disparaging criticism of all the other foolish ants clouded in ignorance.

Karl Popper and falsificationism
Thomas Kuhn and relativism in science
the problem of induction
Bas van Fraassen's constructive empiricism
realism vs. anti-realism in science
Aristotle's physics
the concepts of natural and unnatural in moral philosophy
religion as a foundation for ethical systems

just a few topics I've written about. All of them are far more interesting to me than what's usually discussed in this forum. Maybe you wouldn't find those topics interesting but I don't really give a shit. Does that suffice?