Wanted: More Thrash metal!

merciless death are just stupid retrothrash shit. all the riffs are boring as fuck and they do nothing new and do stuff that has been done, but worse than it has been done before in the 80s.

Whats wrong with playing classic thrash metal?

First of all it's thrash.

Secondly, theres not many more unique things to do... it been done.

Third of all, I like 80's thrash. Suck it.
Destroyer 666 (Blackened Thrash)
Witchmaster (Blackened Thrash)
Torture Squad (Death/Thrash)
Shatter Messiah (Power/Thrash, much like Iced Earth)
unknown made my job a lot easier. :lol: When I opened this thread, I immediately thought to myself "I really don't feel like writing up another list right now," so I decided to just scroll through and see if anything important has been left out, and then I saw Hydra Vein, Hexenhaus, Blood Feast, Morbid Scream, Witches Hammer, and Mandator, and at that point I realized something fishy was going on...

Should I hold off on buying Obsessed By Cruelty/In the Sign of Evil? I keep on hearing about the two being re-issued.
Hmm...well it's recently been announced that the In The Sign Of Evil reissue is going to be re-recorded, plus 7 old tracks from the same era, making it a full-length release, and is going to be entitled The Final Sign Of Evil. I personally at this point would go ahead and buy it just for the sake of having the original recordings. What possessed them to re-record it, I have no idea, but at least they're doing it with the original line-up. Though...they did mangle the artwork already. I'll be buying it, obviously, for the seven additional tracks regardless of the quality of the re-recordings. I haven't heard anything about the Obsessed By Cruelty reissue since Angelripper first mentioned it though, so I hope the project is still in the wings somewhere and not forgotten.
Wow, well I just found In the Sign of Evil/Obsessed By Cruelty/Persecution Mania for $13.29 so that's definitely going to be one of my next purchases.
Heathen - Breaking The Silence
Voivod - Killing Technology
Hexenhaus - A Tribute To Insanity
Exodus - Bonded By Blood
Sepultura - Beneath The Remains
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Coroner - Punishment For Decadence
Mekong Delta - Mekong Delta
Forbidden - Twisted Into Form
Flotsam And Jetsam - Doomsday For The Deceiver
Anacrusis - Suffering Hour
Holy Moses - Finished With The Dogs
Detente - Recognize No Authority
Seconded, though I´d have added Coroner´s "R.I.P." and "No More Color", Mekong Delta´s "The Music Of Erich Zann" and "Dances of Death" and I´d have replaced "Twisted Into Form" by "Forbidden Evil".

I´d also add:
Testament - "The Legacy"
Hades - "Resisting Success"
Znowhite - "Act Of God"

and - at least as some kind of curiosity (since there haven´t been that many all-female thrash metal bands) -
Original Sin - "Sin Will Find You Out"
Nobody ever mentions Hades (US)...everyone always fucking talks about the Norwegian band. Great band, Alan was a really amazing vocalist. The second album isn't bad either.
Nobody ever mentions Hades (US)
Well, I did.
Great band, Alan was a really amazing vocalist. The second album isn't bad either.
No, but I still prefer the debut.

Talking about Alan Tecchio, one might also mention Watchtower´s "Control And Resistance" in this thread and the probably not very well-known album "Justice of Fire" by Power. Though I´m not really sure if the latter qualifies as thrash metal. At least way back in the eighties I would have classified it as a mixture of power and speed metal (the album was actually released in 1994), but since bands like Agent Steel and Flotsam & Jetsam (who were considered speed metal in the eighties) and even Metal Church have been mentioned in this thread, Power don´t seem so out of place here.

np: Candlemass - "Demonia 6"
A few big lists but nobody mentioned The Crown? Come on!

BTW, as a fellow fan of the style of thrash played by the bands initially mentioned in the thread (Slayer, Megadeth, Pantera unless people want to be anal), I wouldn't recommend Vio-lence, Artillery, or...I don't know. The vocals used by those bands annoyed the hell out of me when they went high pitched and screamed...But, I suppose they're steeples of thrash metal, supposedly. Anyways:

The Crown - Deathrace King
The Crown - Crowned in Terror
Maze of Torment - Hidden Cruelty
The Crown isn't Thrash Metal you jackass, and neither is Maze Of Torment. I wish you would know what you were talking about before you attempted to speak in an authoritative manner.

Check out Suicidal Angels.