War In Iraq


May 24, 2004
Greenville, NC
What do you metal heads out there think of the war in Iraq? Please feel free to voice your opinion and if I disagree, its my forum topic, so I'll make sure you are proven wrong. Is Bush right, wrong?, What the hell is gas prices going up for? Why the fuck isn't Bush being impeached for lying to Congress about WMD's? Let me know, maybe you will change my mind on the whole deal, but I doubt. None of the excuses justify WAR!!!!! I like war, but only when its justified. Causing terror to fight terror is Bullshit. email me freely. Suppot our troops, bring them home. :confused: :confused: :confused:
And don't talk about freeing the people, because they won't be free anytime soon.

"The peircing radiant moon, the storming of poor june,
all the life running thru her hair, approaching guiding lite,
the shallow years in fright, Dreams are made winding thru my head...."

System of a Down, "Spiders".... Not death metal, but you gotta admit, their first album kicked ass!
..I have removed what was a long response to this thread. I have however saved this response so I might re-post it should I feel the need to polarize the UM chat board. :dopey:
Nothing said here is gonna change anything so I'll spare myself the trouble. Id rather talk about something else anyway

This is what happens when leaders fail their countries.

After watching this 'video' clip, it is clear that Mr. Berg was not just the latest victim of extreme violence in Iraq. The fact that his execution was recorded and made available all thoughout the Islamic parts of the world signals a dangerous new escalation in a war against western culture; particularly the United States and its allies.

Make no mistake here. Watch the video, and note carefully what happens. This was a religious ritual; a revival of the ancient ritual of human sacrifice. Human sacrifice has always been a public ritual, where a person of strength, youth, and vigor, is killed in a very bloody and precise ritualistic fashion. It is an ancient method for preserving a culture by binding a culture's collective memory to a time, or place. In this case, the failure of the Bush Administration has brought about the beginning of retreat for America's world leadership. In Islam, this is seen as an occasion to focus energy on the destruction of their "enemies". Symbolically, they have indicated that they intend to assassinate the heads of state in every nation which attacked or opposed Islam, beginning with the United States.

Most people mistakenly believe that Human Sacrifice is a barbaric practice which was abandoned because it served no useful purpose, and civilized people recognized that it was a horrible waste of human capital. The history is much more complex and varies across time and geography. But in the middle east, human sacrifice was a abandoned when conquered or de-throned tribal leaders and their high priests became the victims. Not coincidentially, It was at about that time that the Jewish tale of Abraham and Issac documented a "new covenant". Human Sacrifice was (and still is) a powerful tool for preserving cultural memory, and for focusing people's attention on the destruction of enemies. Heavy metalists should all understand these core concepts of Satanism and Demonology.

This human sacrifice was a declaration of intent; intended to mark Islam's ascendancy to world domination, and in ritualized form, demonstrate what must be done for that to happen. It is the commencement of a new war now that the leadership in America has failed, and the "empire" is in collapse and retreat. The fact that Mr. Berg was Jewish is also a very significant fact that highlights the ritualized, and religious, nature of the exexution, and indicates that this act was deliberate and intentional -- to bind Islam in a religious war against non-Islamics.

Austin, TX USA


Nitwits, especially the pundits whose thoughts fill the print and electronic media, believe that the US can now simply exit Iraq, and that everyone will go and live happily ever after. Journalists have mastered that faked look of thoughtfulness which causes the naive to take them seriously. The president still looks like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. Buth they both talk about "exit strategies" – as if it were just a Web-browser menu option.

The critical strategic element for winning wars is to defeat the enemy's will to win (by convincing him that he can not do so). Accepting anything less than triumph in Iraq will catastrophically embolden terrorists. no matter where one stood on going to war, we went. Now, anyone who thinks we can swiftly exit Iraq without paying a high price is a moron.

In this 'war on terror', one critical objective was isolating Osama bin-Laden as a murderer who did not represent Islam. Osama's goal was to lead the Arab and Islamic causes of expelling 'infidels' from Saudi Arabia and ending what he called American persecution of the Iraqi people.

If America pulls out now, our enemies around the world will be emboldened. An exit now would be seen 9correctly) as a huge victory for terrorists, and a complete failure for the United States. WHile some people might argue that the Bush Administration is not the United States, it would be impossible to isolate or limit the perception of a U.S. defeat to president Bush and his policies. The perception of American defeat could produce a domino effect running down through the Persian Gulf; east through Saudi Arabia and west across India, Pakistan and southern Asia to Indonesia. Iraq would dissolve into the chaos of a civil war.

The terror war would also come home, as terrorits sensed a lack of U.S. leadership and resolve. Bush's failure at Homeland Security (because he's maintained the open borders) woule ensure terrorist attacks in most large US cities, and at other strategic weak points in the infrastructure (wipe out a few bridges across the Missisippi RIver and inter-state commerce will be severely impaired; wipe out NYC, or SF bay-Bridges or key power plants, and those regions' economies will undergo implosive collapse.

So, a retreat and 'bringing the troops home' is nice rhetorical fluff for know-nothings and airheads. But it can not be considered with any seriousness.

Austin, TX USA


Media and Liberals: Treasonous.

The US news media's liberals and several Democrats are dragging America 'into the the mud' with their hearings and other attempts to smear the U.S. military. They're only doing it for their own political or personal gain.

Since we are in a war, they should probably all be brought up for trial on charges of treason. If found guilty, they should be sent to prison at least. If anyone dies because terrorists percieved that we let our guard down and were ready to surrender, pursuant to their acts, then traitors (upon conviction) be given a choice: hanging or firing squad.


Author booed for anti-Bush remarks

During his speech at the Commencement ceremonies Hofstra University, E.L. Doctorow, a self-described 'left-wing' college professor and author, gets a taste of what Democrats and the so-called 'news media' will be getting in November.

By the time the elections occur, the lies (and the cover-ups of those lies) by reporters, columnists, and editors will overshadow the media accusations lodged aginst the Bush Administration.

Don't believe it? Read what the Investors' Business Daily has to say avbout Seymour Hersh (IBD 05/25/2004, "(Sigh) Hersh")

" ... he has built a career on character assassination, conspiratorial fantasies, unreliable sources, ignored evidence -- and he's taken as gospel, the words of con-men."

That's followed by editorial comments on some recent public comments made by Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) "Pelosi's Rank Rant. If you think that the Investor's Business Daily is 'too harsh', then you'll probably be surprosed by the even tougher editorials that have recently run in The Wall Street Journal


Al Gore has truly 'gone round the bend: here's his latest rant, proving that The United States was correct to (narrowly) reject him in 2000.

Al Gore comes unhinged

Maybe Al Gore should be added to this poster:
did anybody noticed that the arabs kill americans with gunshots, but when the captive is jewish (like Berg and the other guy who was decapitated some months ago) they decapitate them??

The fact is that the arabs hate the jewish much more than they hate the west. And they hate the west because they support the jewish. When the US stops supporting Israel the arabs will stop hating US.
redaV_htraD said:

This is what happens when leaders fail their countries.

After watching this 'video' clip, it is clear that Mr. Berg was not just the latest victim of extreme violence in Iraq. The fact that his execution was recorded and made available all thoughout the Islamic parts of the world signals a dangerous new escalation in a war against western culture; particularly the United States and its allies.

Make no mistake here. Watch the video, and note carefully what happens. This was a religious ritual; a revival of the ancient ritual of human sacrifice. Human sacrifice has always been a public ritual, where a person of strength, youth, and vigor, is killed in a very bloody and precise ritualistic fashion. It is an ancient method for preserving a culture by binding a culture's collective memory to a time, or place. In this case, the failure of the Bush Administration has brought about the beginning of retreat for America's world leadership. In Islam, this is seen as an occasion to focus energy on the destruction of their "enemies". Symbolically, they have indicated that they intend to assassinate the heads of state in every nation which attacked or opposed Islam, beginning with the United States.

Most people mistakenly believe that Human Sacrifice is a barbaric practice which was abandoned because it served no useful purpose, and civilized people recognized that it was a horrible waste of human capital. The history is much more complex and varies across time and geography. But in the middle east, human sacrifice was a abandoned when conquered or de-throned tribal leaders and their high priests became the victims. Not coincidentially, It was at about that time that the Jewish tale of Abraham and Issac documented a "new covenant". Human Sacrifice was (and still is) a powerful tool for preserving cultural memory, and for focusing people's attention on the destruction of enemies. Heavy metalists should all understand these core concepts of Satanism and Demonology.

This human sacrifice was a declaration of intent; intended to mark Islam's ascendancy to world domination, and in ritualized form, demonstrate what must be done for that to happen. It is the commencement of a new war now that the leadership in America has failed, and the "empire" is in collapse and retreat. The fact that Mr. Berg was Jewish is also a very significant fact that highlights the ritualized, and religious, nature of the exexution, and indicates that this act was deliberate and intentional -- to bind Islam in a religious war against non-Islamics.

Austin, TX USA


Nitwits, especially the pundits whose thoughts fill the print and electronic media, believe that the US can now simply exit Iraq, and that everyone will go and live happily ever after. Journalists have mastered that faked look of thoughtfulness which causes the naive to take them seriously. The president still looks like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. Buth they both talk about "exit strategies" – as if it were just a Web-browser menu option.

The critical strategic element for winning wars is to defeat the enemy's will to win (by convincing him that he can not do so). Accepting anything less than triumph in Iraq will catastrophically embolden terrorists. no matter where one stood on going to war, we went. Now, anyone who thinks we can swiftly exit Iraq without paying a high price is a moron.

In this 'war on terror', one critical objective was isolating Osama bin-Laden as a murderer who did not represent Islam. Osama's goal was to lead the Arab and Islamic causes of expelling 'infidels' from Saudi Arabia and ending what he called American persecution of the Iraqi people.

If America pulls out now, our enemies around the world will be emboldened. An exit now would be seen 9correctly) as a huge victory for terrorists, and a complete failure for the United States. WHile some people might argue that the Bush Administration is not the United States, it would be impossible to isolate or limit the perception of a U.S. defeat to president Bush and his policies. The perception of American defeat could produce a domino effect running down through the Persian Gulf; east through Saudi Arabia and west across India, Pakistan and southern Asia to Indonesia. Iraq would dissolve into the chaos of a civil war.

The terror war would also come home, as terrorits sensed a lack of U.S. leadership and resolve. Bush's failure at Homeland Security (because he's maintained the open borders) woule ensure terrorist attacks in most large US cities, and at other strategic weak points in the infrastructure (wipe out a few bridges across the Missisippi RIver and inter-state commerce will be severely impaired; wipe out NYC, or SF bay-Bridges or key power plants, and those regions' economies will undergo implosive collapse.

So, a retreat and 'bringing the troops home' is nice rhetorical fluff for know-nothings and airheads. But it can not be considered with any seriousness.

Austin, TX USA


Media and Liberals: Treasonous.

The US news media's liberals and several Democrats are dragging America 'into the the mud' with their hearings and other attempts to smear the U.S. military. They're only doing it for their own political or personal gain.

Since we are in a war, they should probably all be brought up for trial on charges of treason. If found guilty, they should be sent to prison at least. If anyone dies because terrorists percieved that we let our guard down and were ready to surrender, pursuant to their acts, then traitors (upon conviction) be given a choice: hanging or firing squad.


Author booed for anti-Bush remarks

During his speech at the Commencement ceremonies Hofstra University, E.L. Doctorow, a self-described 'left-wing' college professor and author, gets a taste of what Democrats and the so-called 'news media' will be getting in November.

By the time the elections occur, the lies (and the cover-ups of those lies) by reporters, columnists, and editors will overshadow the media accusations lodged aginst the Bush Administration.

Don't believe it? Read what the Investors' Business Daily has to say avbout Seymour Hersh (IBD 05/25/2004, "(Sigh) Hersh")

" ... he has built a career on character assassination, conspiratorial fantasies, unreliable sources, ignored evidence -- and he's taken as gospel, the words of con-men."

That's followed by editorial comments on some recent public comments made by Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) "Pelosi's Rank Rant. If you think that the Investor's Business Daily is 'too harsh', then you'll probably be surprosed by the even tougher editorials that have recently run in The Wall Street Journal


Al Gore has truly 'gone round the bend: here's his latest rant, proving that The United States was correct to (narrowly) reject him in 2000.

Al Gore comes unhinged

Maybe Al Gore should be added to this poster:

Don't read/listen to all that Texas crap...there's never come anything good out of Texas...except the Dixie chicks :grin:
Throw a bomb on Texas and nobody outside would give a damn s**t about it...indeed the world would be a better place *lol*
Name just one useful "thing"...
IOfTheStorm said:
bomb usa to the ground
the world would be a more peaceful place
thank you

You know damn well that eliminating the USA will not solve world peace problems. No matter who is a super power or whatever there will be problems. That kind of statement you made is the same as saying that getting rid of all arabs or africans would make the world a more peaceful place. You do realize that bombing the USA into rubble would kill most of the people in this country who are peaceful while the war makers would be safe in a bunker somewhere, don't you?