war support


Sep 3, 2001
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finally, some fuckin' combat hahaha!!! (sips beer) those taliban jerks. they are destroying the food we're giving the afgan civilians, what a nice government, bunch of freakin smackheads. and then that one jerk with the black turban, y'know the taliban spokeman. gee i wonder if he shoots up.


this is what i think we should do with the whole fuckin taliban.(takes bite from pita) ok then, first, after we capture them and take them to the usa, they should be given LSD. just so they can sit there and think about what they have done. then after about 4 hours when they start to peak they should be flown above the world trade center ruins in a helicopter and thrown out with a rope tied to their genitals so they can have their dick and nuts ripped off as they fall to their death while peaking on acid.
hey, they already admitted that they seek death, lets make it as painful as possible.
I would never give LSD to people and then kill them, there is something wrong with that, and there is something very wrong with you.

that is blasphemy against a great chemical, that you probably know nothing about... get your head out of your ass
hahahaha I don't take it that seriously, but this guy is a butt pirate and he shouldn't be talking about LSD in that manner... he is probably just some worthless shit who takes his time in between jerk off sessions to try to get a rise out of people on this board, am I right or am I right hahahahahaha
you should try lsd sometime, it can be pretty fun. yeah i'm sorry you "got a rise" out of that.
maybe you should try some acid,it might make you feel better. excuse me, i have to go jerk off now.:)
who says i take time between jerk off sessions to post here. i jerk off WHILE i'm posting here. i got the one-handed typing technique down to a science buddy.:eek:
Originally posted by romolus

this is what i think we should do with the whole fuckin taliban.(takes bite from pita) ok then, first, after we capture them and take them to the usa, they should be given LSD. just so they can sit there and think about what they have done. then after about 4 hours when they start to peak they should be flown above the world trade center ruins in a helicopter and thrown out with a rope tied to their genitals so they can have their dick and nuts ripped off as they fall to their death while peaking on acid.
hey, they already admitted that they seek death, lets make it as painful as possible.

this is what I think we should do to you:first after we capture you ,we drop you at afganistan so each and everyone there has a "round" with you(u know what I mean).Then we take you into a prison cell full of radioactive uranium and leave there to mutate(and rot) for two decades.
How do like that??:loco:
Metal up your ass, you sick motherfucker!!:mad:
I don't really care about the LSD thing, but I did think it was funny to hang them by their genitals over WTC...that would be at least partial punishment.
Hey, why don't you volunteer and go to Afghanistan? You would really enjoy it. Perhaps you would like to fuck some women there too, to make your revenge greater, after all some of them gave birth to what afterwards became the taliban. You wouldn't have to jurk off then.
Really why can't you join the army? Are you too young? Or...