Warrel's solo debut, Praises to the War Machine out NOW

Yep, he absolutely fucking nailed the Lucretia cover.

I agree - even more so after I heard the original. For those that haven't heard the original - you can check out this video....I think Warrel kept the integrity of the original, but his interpretation injects some attitude and metal !!!!

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I agree - even more so after I heard the original. For those that haven't heard the original - you can check out this video....I think Warrel kept the integrity of the original, but his interpretation injects some attitude and metal !!!!


...for some reason, weaving looms just don't seem to fit. They should have shot it at an AK-47 stamping factory; or similar.
Hi all,

After sitting with the record for several weeks now, I'm finally able to confirm my feelings that this is one of the best records Warrel's ever been involved with. I've been a huge fan since the Sanctuary days, and I was really looking forward to this. Personally, I even like it better than the last couple of Nevermore releases. The first time I heard Brother, I almost had to pull the car over on the freeway. I was like WTF?! I've never heard such personal lyrics and voice from just about anybody, let alone Warrel. I still can't hear that song without getting chills.

I'm also a big old-school Sisters fan, and knew WD would do them justice. But I never thought he would own that song so magnificently that it almost renders the original obsolete (almost)!

To be honest, on first spin, aside from those two, the rest of the record surprised me as sounding a bit too much in the same style as Nevermore. I Love Nevermore but I was excited to see in what kind of different direction he could go with a solo record. When I heard about the Sisters cover, I thought the direction might be more darkly melodic than the last couple Nevermore records. It didn't sound that way to me at first, but the nuances quickly settled in, and I realized that this was a pretty different animal. A most welcome one. Not a bad song on the record, and most are great- that's a helluva batting average for anybody.

Great stuff! And judging by some recent interview comments, I'm getting excited about the next Nevermore as well. Warrel has set the bar a tad higher for songwriting with this first solo record (he said there will be more!), and I can't wait to see what the rest of the guys come up with.

Yeah, and I haven't even been lurking! I was stunned when I just plugged in the same user id and password that I use for any messageboard- and it worked. Couldn't even remember registering. You know, 41 years old, 3 small kids, hard job= NO TIME! ; )

And yeah, the record made such an impression on me I had to come here and say so. Not a whole lot of new stuff does that for me anymore- damn, I'm getting old.
