Wars Of Winter : impressive stuff, i didnt realise.


May 6, 2001
im studying at the moment so this will be fairly short, but it needs to be said. You guys are a lot better than i realised, i think im like many people when i say the first songs i heard of W.o.W were quite bad and i wasnt impressed. But man, i downloaded all the songs on your mp3 page and you have some amazing songs. Ive heard others previously that showed me that you had talent, but i thought they were more one-offs. But you have a few great songs on the mp3 page, its cool.

Seriously a LOT of talent there. Great inventive/interesting riffs, great structure. There are still things that arent perfect, but there is a lot that is perfect.

Crimson Auras and The Epiphany are good. Darkest Majesty and The Arrival are absolutely awesome, very cool songs i love them, some of the best music ive heard from this forum, and thats saying a lot! And the variety that you have between songs is really cool, each song is unique and each song feels complete.

My favourite is The Arrival.... :)

what is the deal with this band? are you guys still together?

Even if you guys arent together anymore theres enough evidence in this music to suggest some great music to come from whatever future projects you undertake.
Well we are still together I guess and we still have plenty of ideas but we just don't have the ability to do anything right now.

All those songs were written back in the day .. both of our styles have developed so much now and I wish we could get togehter and write some music but it's just impossible .. my other band lives in same city and we have a hard time getting a practice on the go .. It's almost a sin

Im sure eventually we will write something though and it will be so much better because I know a bunch of kick ass musicians and so does rick ..

Thanks for the compliments man.... gives us some motivation to actually get together and do something
Yeh, you should record more. Even if you only get together once in a while to do songs, and if they are going to be even better than the ones i have then thats pretty impressive!
Wow, thanks a lot, those words truly mean a lot to me! It's great to know people like the music, so it doesn't feel like we're self indulgent bastards who only make music we like! lol: I don't know if I'd agree about any of it being perfect, but if you feel tahat way, that's a good thing! Too bad we haven't found a real vocalist and a drummer, I realize that is one of our weakest points.

Yeah, as Glen said, we are still together, but not too functional. It's hard to jam these days to say the least, and a lot what Wars of Winter seems to be about is feeding off each others riffs, but we can't really do that too easily since I'm in Toronto. However, in the last few days, I have begun diggin through some works we never managed to record, and may start work on them soon.

And I find it weird that you would choose the arrival as your favorite, it almost sounded to me like one of our weakest, though mostly due to the awful guitar sound.

So I guess the future looks rather slow for us, but we'll get more done for sure! Thanks for the comments, they are some much needed motivation!
I really like "A New Vision". It's the only one I've heard. It was "for true opeth fans only" at Audiogalaxy, and I'm compelled to get more.
Originally posted by NightFlier
I really like "A New Vision". It's the only one I've heard. It was "for true opeth fans only" at Audiogalaxy, and I'm compelled to get more.

:lol: Unofrtunately, you must have only heard one of the songs from our first demo! The recording quaity is terrible, out of tune, out of time, etc...haha...It's more a representation of our style than an actual recording to judge us by I would hope! haha....We have many more than that one, and they are much better quality! (I was playing the drums on the one you have, and it's bad!)
hahah yeh the first demo was pretty brutal .. I basically just look at it as an album of good memories .. every riff on there triggers a good memory (and some extremely shitty ones haha) so it's just really enjoyable .. well for me anyway .. but I think it would be hard to like that demo if you weren't there to actually see it being recorded .. I think a certain few viewed us as "having potential as a great metal band " , Im sure that was part of a review done by some cheap ass metal site .

Maybe some of the reason we aren't practicing is because of the age difference between me and rick .. im still 15 and rick is what like 21 now?, so that's like 6 years .. rick was in university when the band started so right then there was a problem .. but we worked around it and managed to record some songs .. 11 now? .. Im not even sure .. we wrote alot more than 11 but alot of the songs like Sins of innocence were never really used ..we wrote a fuckin awesome song I think around the second christmas that we were writting together and some other weird riffs and shit ..
Well, I wish you guys the best, and I hope you can get back together sometime.. and make more music, so that I may indulge myself in it.

We really need someone from a good record label to browse through these forums, and sign up all these amazing bands.

Or better, have our own UM label... LOL
And I find it weird that you would choose the arrival as your favorite, it almost sounded to me like one of our weakest, though mostly due to the awful guitar sound.
Something about the beautiful riffs, specially the outro, though the fade is done poorly!

Or better, have our own UM label... LOL
Hehehe, how cool would that be?
Hey b'ys! I'm glad to see the newfs are coming along, hehe. So what's going on with you guys anyway? I guess one of you is in Toronto and the other is still back in corner brook eh?

As you probably remember, I play drums, and I live in Toronto (I'm from Stephenville). I'm looking to do something musically but I'm a bit of a freak with a short attention span and only want to do something obscenely progressive and completely fucked up with a lot of varied styles (both brutal and soft) and a frequently jazzy feel. I definitely don't want to just do an opeth imitation, I want to create something genuinely unique, psychedelic, and very very progressive. If this sounds like something you guys would be interested in, let me know and maybe we can get something on the go in the coming months or years when both you guys are permanently in Toronto. In the meantime I'll be practicing every fucking day to be the most technical and tight drummer than I can be, hhehe ;)

Anyway, best of luck my island brothers!

Satori the super-newf
Originally posted by Satori
Oh yea, I wanted to mention, an endorsement from the great yayogakk is not be taken lightly! :)


Trust me, it's not! I've heard his music and seen him post, his genius is known! I am not sure if Glen has checked out his stuff or not yet, but I am sure he'll realize that after hearing it!

BTW, as for that project you mention, I'll keep it in mind for later when I have all my weird proggy/jazz riffs lying around that just won't fit into either of my current bands. I'll give you an email to see if you are still interested when I get a sizable collection on the go, to see if you'd still be interested.:cool: