Of course it's worrying they make music videos that are below-parallel to the music itself, which is kinda dumb. Nothing bad about making a billion dollar video for a crappy pop song. Actually I agree, it was stupid to say the video doesn't matter. It's just foolish to stain good music with a bad video, but luckily metal listeners (more than pop listeners) are clever enough about music to see through the video. And it does piss off knowing the videos could be so much better. Especially the videos for Blooddrunk and Smilex felt like they were designed by a high school (female) graphics teacher with no understanding of the music. A bad video can be damaging just as well as a good video can help raise interest to some extent.
I'm not saying the WIWI video is worse than the song... but it's amazing how they didn't care to capture slo-mos of some cool skateboarding tricks. They're in the shadow. I seriously hope they've given the designing rights of the SKO video to some credible guy and won't rape that one as well with some silly shit. The music deserves much more.