Was it Worth it?

hahaha i totally watched the video no problem and im in canada.
I like chris Cole so i didn't mind the video. But its not as awesome as a reaper walking through a forest...hahaha
Links and all tips didnt help me out.

Thanks God someone had already pulished it on youtube :hotjump:

Mmmm yeash, quite of boring video to be honest. Liked the video edition and visual effects. Finally Roope got his turn on solos. \,,/
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Difference is this is supposed to be metal so the video doesn't matter, unlike in pop world especially MTV where the video is 90%.
I dunno, man, there's a plenty of badass music videos for metal. They aren't as essential (because, let's face it, they're expensive to do and most bands don't have the money - or would not want to spend it), but if you're making one, at least put out a good one.

I don't know what's up with CoB's approach to MVs? Why don't they just find a nice-looking location and shoot a simple vid without all the bullshit ideas? Or mix in some live concert video footage?
Of course it's worrying they make music videos that are below-parallel to the music itself, which is kinda dumb. Nothing bad about making a billion dollar video for a crappy pop song. Actually I agree, it was stupid to say the video doesn't matter. It's just foolish to stain good music with a bad video, but luckily metal listeners (more than pop listeners) are clever enough about music to see through the video. And it does piss off knowing the videos could be so much better. Especially the videos for Blooddrunk and Smilex felt like they were designed by a high school (female) graphics teacher with no understanding of the music. A bad video can be damaging just as well as a good video can help raise interest to some extent.

I'm not saying the WIWI video is worse than the song... but it's amazing how they didn't care to capture slo-mos of some cool skateboarding tricks. They're in the shadow. I seriously hope they've given the designing rights of the SKO video to some credible guy and won't rape that one as well with some silly shit. The music deserves much more.
I don't know what's up with CoB's approach to MVs? Why don't they just find a nice-looking location and shoot a simple vid without all the bullshit ideas? Or mix in some live concert video footage?

Absolutely. And that's why I think the TL&S vid is their most successful: no crass, crappy themes or stories, just the band and the music - if they must make a MV, that's the way to go.
The only thing I like about this is the tone and that Roope got a little bit of a solo after Janne. Go Roope!!!!!
Well guys lets not forget about the bloody knife in downfall HAHAHA
that always did make me laugh but seriously aside from that the downfall video kicks ass
But, i do agree i think TL&S is probably the best video
Of course it's worrying they make music videos that are below-parallel to the music itself, which is kinda dumb. Nothing bad about making a billion dollar video for a crappy pop song. Actually I agree, it was stupid to say the video doesn't matter. It's just foolish to stain good music with a bad video, but luckily metal listeners (more than pop listeners) are clever enough about music to see through the video. And it does piss off knowing the videos could be so much better. Especially the videos for Blooddrunk and Smilex felt like they were designed by a high school (female) graphics teacher with no understanding of the music. A bad video can be damaging just as well as a good video can help raise interest to some extent.

I'm not saying the WIWI video is worse than the song... but it's amazing how they didn't care to capture slo-mos of some cool skateboarding tricks. They're in the shadow. I seriously hope they've given the designing rights of the SKO video to some credible guy and won't rape that one as well with some silly shit. The music deserves much more.

I don't really know then what the whole purpose of the video and single is then... the song isn't catchy. Sure it is different than any song they've done before... we get that. We hear that. But aside from the intro riff which could be considered a catchy hook the song doesn't have anything about it that screams for it to be a single. From what I've heard so far it is the weakest of the material.

A video is to promote a song that is to promote an album. The song is already balls compared to CotN and Ugly and the video is shot to hell. Too dark, boring, lame, doesn't have anything to do with the band or metal in general. It just doesn't work and I cannot see it appealing to more than Bodom fans and even them are smart enough to know that this is a weak track even compared to In Your Face.

At least I would like to think they are smarter. :Spin:
but there earlier videos were sick like everytime i die. Deadnight warrior was just amazingly hilarious all metal bands should just stick to crapy production black metal style videos
[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSYFQkNSJCg&feature=player_detailpage[/ame] insert was it worth it lyrics and were done