Was it Worth it?

so maybe all the other songs will be the epic Bodom we all know and love :)


I thought it's basically, that half like the old stuff and half like the new stuff.

And on topic. That song sounded actually pretty decent, though it had too much usage of that annoying vocal effect. But you probably shouldn't make too much speculations of the whole album just by looking at this song, if it's indeed going to be "the party song" of the album.
Well there will probably be certain aspects that, whether old Bodom or new Bodom is preferred, everyone will appreciate. That's what I hope at least =P

I quite enjoyed the song though, I did think the vocal effect was interesting, although I think it was used too much.
I personally liked the song. The solo reminded me of Triple Corpse Hammerblow and it was pretty heavy. People are so ungrateful. CoB is not changing. You aren't going to hear the same stuff you heard out of old Bodom. Alexander is gone, Alexi has had a few injuries that affect his playing and honestly, they will never be the same as before. But you can come to like the new songs, or not bother listening to them. It's up to you.
I personally liked the song. The solo reminded me of Triple Corpse Hammerblow and it was pretty heavy. People are so ungrateful. CoB is not changing. You aren't going to hear the same stuff you heard out of old Bodom. Alexander is gone, Alexi has had a few injuries that affect his playing and honestly, they will never be the same as before. But you can come to like the new songs, or not bother listening to them. It's up to you.

Well, what ya gonna do about it? :lol: Nothing. We can't tell em what to do. The only way we can vote is with our wallets. Don't like it, don't buy it. And vise versa.
I had to listen several times to digest it. I felt I owed COB that much...to not jump to opinions too soon. That said, I was disappointed the first couple times. The sound is Bodom-like, musically, but the effect on Alexi's vocals is strange. After just re-listening to it, trying to keep an open mind and without expectation...I like it. Definitely not my favorite, but it's supposed to be a party song. If all the tracks on RRF sound like this, I'll be bummed, but this is just the first single....heard as a rip from the radio...the actual track may come off a bit different. But either way, I like it now.

I actually like all of their albums...HCDR is my favorite. The band has definitely evolved over the years, but what's wrong with that? it's still ass-kicking metal. People get too bogged down with trying to classify things. Who fucking cares if its more speed than thrash or more death or more black. metal is metal, and it all kicks ass in its own way. What I love about COB is that they are obviously a group of guys who don't take their music too seriously, so why should the fans?
See people aren't being honest with themselves. With old Bodom music people would be like "That song was f'ing awesome and that is all I have to say about that." With this song people are saying "Well it was good here, but it wasn't good there." That is how I know people aren't totally stoked on the song.
People are so ungrateful.

What? Do we owe the band something? If a song sucks, it sucks.

CoB is not changing. You aren't going to hear the same stuff you heard out of old Bodom.

And? I can still say, that the old stuff is better. And how do you know? Many bands "return to their roots" nowadays, though of course that doesn't mean COB is gonna do that, but they CAN make a good album still.

Alexander is gone, Alexi has had a few injuries that affect his playing and honestly, they will never be the same as before.

Alexander didn't participate but only to 2 (?) songs, it doesn't have much to do with this. And I don't think that Alexi's past physical injuries have much to do with his ability to write good melodies. But you really have missed the point of the people who like the old stuff, have you? We don't want them to be the same, we want them to be good.

But you can come to like the new songs, or not bother listening to them. It's up to you.

No shit.

But the bottom line is: Most people who like early stuff better and complain about the new stuff don't want them to do SW part2, HB part2 or FTR part2, they just want them to make a good album. Also, those three albums are completely different, but still good. I don't understand this "they can't make the same album over and over again"-bullshit. The three first albums are not the same album done three times either.
On the whole "party song" thing... I don't see how that can be used as an excuse. HCDR is more or less a "party song" and it doesn't sound like shite. It's also quite representative of the entire album.

But the bottom line is: Most people who like early stuff better and complain about the new stuff don't want them to do SW part2, HB part2 or FTR part2, they just want them to make a good album. Also, those three albums are completely different, but still good. I don't understand this "they can't make the same album over and over again"-bullshit. The three first albums are not the same album done three times either.

Finally someone summed it up. I'm surprised this is something that needs to be made explicit though, but apparently so. Anyway, couldn't have said it better myself.
I've listened to it a few times and its slowly growing on me. It seems like a bad choice for a single though. The vocal effect is terrible though and the way it is used the whole way through the song gives me a bad feeling about the rest of the album. I hope their are much better songs on the album
^ Oh, I'm sure there are. There had better be, anyway. The question is not whether, but by how much. As for the vocal effect, I'm still somehow convinced that it's been produced by the radio and not originally intended. Cause nobody in their right mind would make vocals sound that crappy... right?
I don't know man. The vocal effect could be the real version.

They had that vocal effect on HCDR(the song) which I thought was pretty crappy, but I just hate vocal effects in general.
the vocal effects were the one part of the song that had me kind of dissapointed.
i love the song and there isn't anything by COB that i don't love.
but the vocal effects were kind of dissapointing. IMO
the vocal effects were the one part of the song that had me kind of dissapointed.
i love the song and there isn't anything by COB that i don't love.
but the vocal effects were kind of dissapointing. IMO

I like your Avatar. Ratatouille is one of my favorite animated movies of all time, if not the top.
I like your Avatar. Ratatouille is one of my favorite animated movies of all time, if not the top.
I'm pretty sure that Toy Storys are better. What I've heard of Ratatuille, it seems pretty boring. But I haven't seen it, so I can't really say anything about it. And I also remembered that I haven't seen Toy Story 3 yet :(
Haha I pretty much agree with everyone, I was hoping for something a bit better, although it's not as bad as everyone's saying. I didn't like it at first but it's a lot better on a few listens. The solo wasn't that great (if it had a really melodic/fast one then I bet the song would be 100 times better), the repetitive riff could have been used less and the vocal effect wasn't the best but I really liked the intro, the riff (not 86 times throughout the song though) and the chorus; which reminded me of stuff from Follow the Reaper for some reason. I am still really excited for the album and think the other songs will be a lot better!
I'm pretty sure that Toy Storys are better. What I've heard of Ratatuille, it seems pretty boring. But I haven't seen it, so I can't really say anything about it. And I also remembered that I haven't seen Toy Story 3 yet :(

The Toy Story films are some of the greatest of all time.


Nothing matches Princess Mononoke, Lord of the Rings and a million others that I adore and won't type out :P

Also, watch TS3.