Was just reading the guestbook...

Jun 25, 2007
Virginia, USA
Those comments are really inspiring to me, so I know they mean a lot to Matt and the rest of Theocracy. It is really incredible to read about the impact you guys are making in the lives of Christians and the unsaved, both here in the US and all around the world!

It also shows me that God blesses those who use their talents for him, which is a change I've went through lately. I was playing in a secular metal band, but now am starting a Christian band with some new friends God brought into my life recently. The way it all came together is incredible. I hope we can make a fraction of the success (measured by God's standards, not man's) that Theocracy has.

So keep up the good work guys! You are really touching lives in so many ways! And I can't wait for the new CD!
Wow, that's awesome. Praise God! Looking forward to hearing your new band's music :) God bless you and take care.
Thanks for your support.

I'm not sure exactly what the style of my new band will be; of the four of us, we all listen to different styles and don't have much overlap of bands we all like. But I'm very excited about that, because it will help make the music more accessible to more people as well as help each of us as musicians learn and expand our style.

I will also probably be doing some acoustic stuff alone with the singer (I play guitar), who is female (which I am very excited about, I love girl singers!).

I'll post links to stuff whenever we start recording, which could be a while because we're in the process of writing our first songs now. Some are prog metalish, some are acoustic, and some are piano ballads.

If anyone else reads this, who all on this Forum is in a Christian band? Maybe we could make a thread to let everywhere else know about our music and where to find it...
That sounds awesome! I've always loved all of those elements in my music. I've also been wondering where the female singers are in the Christian metal scene... (not that there are none, but none that I've heard of)
I heard Fireflight on Friday over at our singer's house. I liked what I heard a lot. She also let me hear Flyleaf, who is ok, but the Fireflight singer is WAY closer to what I like. I need to borrow that CD and see if the whole thing is as good as the songs she let me hear...

By the way, I went to WinterJam (in Greensboro, NC) on Saturday. I have never been to anything like that or heard those types of bands. I went for more of a learning/spiritual experience than for the individual performers, because my favorite Christian bands are Theocracy and Neal Morse, and I also just found Impellitteri, and everything there was a far cry from those styles...

I wanted to see what other people listen to when they say they listen to "Christian music" since I came in the back door of it by climbing the ladder to the top - prog/power metal/shred (IMO) - and then looking for Christian bands like that. I wanted to see what those mainstream bands sounded like and how the performers conduct and the audience responds at a Christian concert event. It was important to me since I am interested in playing Christian music. I need to learn as much about the potential audience categories as possible, not that I plan on changing my style or anything, unless I feel that's what God wants me to do, then I would be happy to do it... I already know what metal fans look for, but not people who listen to mainstream Christian music...I know we can't please everyone, but it was to add to my knowledge for this project I'm involved in...

I was also representing Theocracy there, with the t-shirt! The way Matt's lyrics on the first album present the power and glory and majesty of God is in my opinion, the best ever :notworthy! I know it must be even better live! I would have preferred that over WinterJam, but I am glad I took the steps to get out of my comfort zone and go.

Back to the concert, oddly enough, I liked New Song and Mercy Me better than I liked Skillet (who are known for being more metal). Skillet had too much "modern" in their style and stage presence for a classic metal/prog/shred fan like myself (you know what I mean :))... There was something for just about everyone there, but no so much for my musical tastes (which I already knew was going to happen), so I turned off my "I only like prog/power/shred metal" mode and looked at the motivations of the performers instead. I'll have to admit, it was really cool to be in a place with nearly 20,000 people gathered to worship God or to learn more about Him.
If anyone else reads this, who all on this Forum is in a Christian band? Maybe we could make a thread to let everywhere else know about our music and where to find it...

I actually play guitar in a German christian band, if anyone wants to check out 2 of our songs: www.myspace.com/againstthedarkness


we are not famous and we don't think that we will become, so we willl record one cd an keep it to show our children that their parents could make music ;-)
Great job glamfsian. It was cool to hear German singing!

I agree with you on having something recorded to show people later in your life. I feel the exact same way. I'm glad my (secular) metal band has recorded an album. And by the way, it doesn't matter if you get to be famous or not, if your Christian lyrics touch someone and bring them to God or closer to God, then that is payment enough for your work! That's the real reward!