Watershed: Are you disapointed with it?

Illidan, are you the pseudo intellect of the forum? Why the are you referring to me as “dude.” Are you in the fifth grade or have you seen too many beer commercials?

No, dude; I'm from San Diego.

What defines a forum amateur; is it someone with 5 posts or is it someone with under 100? Are you a forum master cause you have almost 800 or are you some loser spouting too much empty rubbish and nonsensical crap to other one sentence typing forum rubes? Furthermore, who the fuck would want to be a forum expert or master? Its not like typing these lines is some sort of skill, you fake forum elitist fool. As for Nazism, I was drawing a comparison. I notice that you singled that one out, but not the one on Bush and the Patriot Act or Catholicism cause it favors your moron tirade while ratifying you as a pathetic forum elitist

I wasn't really referring to you as a forum amateur, just these guys in general that seem to think that the unpopularity of their opinion makes those around them "freaking Nazis". And yes, I singled that one out, as it's more common than "freaking Catholics". As for Bush and the PATRIOT Act? I'm as progressive and liberal as they come, and I guess you missed my crack about the government invading your home.

Regarding the 2nd paragraph, of course they are “your personal sentiments;” do you really have to show us what a buffoon you are by adding the redundant solipsistic adjective “personal” to that sentence when the pronoun “your” is already a sufficient possessive?
redundant solipsistic adjective
Lol. And wait, you mean like those two?

As for the rest of that sentence, it is utterly pretentious of you to write: “if you come onto a website with an intensely controversial opinion and state it objectively and rudely, attacking the board users with unprecedented rancor, and invite attention and pointless responses (like this one). It doesn't help your case that your name is Blowpeth (though I think we've got to give you a little credit for that one).”
That's the generally accepted definition of a troll. It's not pretentious of me to call someone a steel worker because they work at a steel mill, or a robber because they rob, and now I am saying you're a troll. Look at half this debate, you're not even talking about the band. You're using everything to attack me. I'm a pseudo-intellectual? My god, I mean you're even putting TWO SPACES after every sentence. It's the Internet, not your college paper. As the other guy said, calm down.

Do you know me? How would you know what tone I am writing in unless it is based on your biased interpretation. You mention stating an opinion “objectively”, but that is stupid for the fact that objectivity is a philosophical impossibility because any time you compare something whether its cars, hotdogs, or Opeth you are leaning on experiences from the past for a comparison (http://www.iep.utm.edu/o/objectiv.htm). I wasn’t rude, unless expressing an opinion hurts your little feelings, which it does, obviously.
Alright, let's take it there. You have never seen the band Opeth in person or up close, and are therefor unable to prove their existence, and are ranting about nothing. And yes, you're being rude, comparing us to Nazis.

How was I “attacking the board users.” By definition attack (Go to dictionary.com) means- “to set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressive way, with or without a weapon; begin fighting with: He attacked him with his bare hands.”
"You're like a bunch of fanatical priests working for a church, a group of stalkers defending your favorite band, or the types of maniacs that would salute presidents/tyrants in blind allegiance. Seriously, are you guys members of the band? Are you all simple enough in mentality to be so easily hurt by a bunch of words or even worse "offended" cause some truth kicked your nuts? Damn, you guys are almost like the freak in NY that recently beat the hell out of some guy with a baseball bat cause he likes the Redsox. Even worse is the troll allegation; so if i don't croon and love on the boys in Opeth I am suddenly gonna get banned cause alternative opinions are not accepted in this regime. Fuck, that sounds like Nazism or constitutional infringement via the Patriot Act by George W. Bush on the Opeth forum."
This is how you were attacking the board users.

How does what I wrote consist of “unprecedented rancor?”
Your first and second posts, ever, condemn the band and its fans. I suppose it's not unprecedented because we get the odd troll like you around here now and then when we don't have the fake-stupid kind.

Can you give me several examples of “unprecedented rancor” to draw a compare and contrast?

Additionally, “rancor” implies that I have some sort of malice for you all forum fools, but I am only having fun writing. Too bad your own insecure hateful minds are incapable of realizing that as the case. Heh, you all couldn’t laugh at yourselves if the reward was a million dollars for each person.
Maybe "rancor" was a bit strong, but so is "Nazism".
Alright, I usually don't try to hold this kind of debate to any logical flow, as you seem to be just grasping at straws (then incinerating them), but didn't you just a minute ago say that since I haven't met you IRL that I don't have any judgment over what you are saying or how you're saying it? And yet here you assume that all of us here are insecure, hateful, and don't have a sense of humor. I think you have trouble laughing at yourself, not us, after all, I was PRAISING you for "Blowopeth".

Then you go on another foolish rant about the baseball bat and guitar contrast. No, you guys are the types of fanatics that would bash someone with a guitar. My proof is all the unadulterated “I love Opeth” threads and responses on this site. Most hilarious about your sanctimonious statement is your attempt at wry irony with an undercurrent of phallic loving homosexuality by writing “I don't think we're capable of being so beautifully ironic - baseball fan gets attacked with the tool of his own pleasure.” In other words, you dig pugilism and hard wooden objects, but I am going to throw you a bone in half that regard for the fact that I despise anthropocentric cunts.
There's a difference between writing on a board dedicated to that kind of thing ("I love Opeth"), and assaulting someone. I think you jump to make the connection too quickly. Also, I didn't mean THAT kind of pleasure, unless you were trying to be funny too but then decided to call us cunts.

As for Britney and Avril, c’mon is there really a difference between their crass commercialism and that of Opeth who has bent their sound and style to fit the modern conventions of pop-rock with ‘Watershed?’ In addition, as I stated at the bottom of my last reply, I took that review off Metal-Archives, but made the mistake of forgetting to inform the board. Obviously, you didn’t read what I wrote since you associate me with being the writer, you idiot. And yeah, Opeth does suck, but calling me an asshole ain’t gonna fix the band or your poor taste. Furthermore, “asshole” by Linguistic and English morphemes is not a swear word unlike shit, which is what you have for brains.
"Asshole" is totally different than "shit". An asshole contains and expels shit. Don't go the whole dictionary-route this whole time and miss the point completely. And yeah, I did think you were the writer for a bit, which was due to your failure to credit the writing. Maybe I didn't search the web for posts like it because I don't take this that seriously. So you got me. I'm an idiot.

Finally, Opeth have defined nothing with their music, and they are not an aesthetic art despite all their melodrama. But they have bent, stolen, and shaped the music of bands like Caravan and King Crimson enough to sound genuine to 13 to 25 year olds that never listened to the music of their parents enough to know they are getting shammed by Blowpeth.
I said they succeeded technically and aesthetically. You cannot deny the band's technical talent (in fact, the review you posted admits it too), and as I said, aesthetics vary from person to person. There can be a debate about where they get their influences, but the bottom line is that WE LIKE THE BAND.

And so fuckin' what if I call them Blowpeth, to me it ain't any different that calling Roger Clemens "Juice" or Bush a "buffoon." Again, you guys take this band and yourselves way too-fucking-seriously. Anyhow, they are already on the downward spiral just like Metallica.
No, it's different than calling Roger Clemens "Juice" or Bush a "buffoon". It's similar, however, to calling Roger Clemens "Roger Clemenstruation". And like I said in both my posts, I think it's funny. What's more, Metallica's not on a downward spiral anymore. They hit rock bottom with St. Anger.

Furthermore, who the fuck would want to be a forum expert or master? Its not like typing these lines is some sort of skill, you fake forum elitist fool.
How dare you. I assure you that I am a completely legitimate forum elitist fool.
I know this is a bit controversial but Watershed was actually the album that made me a fan of Opeth. Sure, I bought on recommendation Still Life in the late 90's but I didn't really cared for it until a few months ago. I really love songs like Burden, Hessian Peel and Derelict Herds (why wasn't this on the album?) and I'm really looking forward to the Gothenburg gig in december.

Yeah basically. I put all this time into a reply but I can see how stupid it all is.

Watershed is the biggest grower of the year so far.

It probably won't make my top 10 for the year, but it is a very solid album.
Dear Blowpeth,

You are a troll....... and I'm banning you. period. MetalAges is a REALLLLY nice guy. Mike is a REALLLLY nice guy. Me? not so much. Those among this community who are young or are inexperienced in the ways of the forum and have a passion for the music which mean so much to them are easy targets for your contrived opinion, and your joke of an online personae. You are a tool… and in spite of my ability to type quickly, I have already wasted too many oxygen molecules during the typing of this post. Take your juvenile attempts at provocation, and of your brutal assault on what’s left of my faith in mankind, and get.the.fuck. out of here.
i was going to type that he probably won't learn and isn't worth the effort anyway.
although it would have been interesting to see what straws he'd pull next :lol:
ufff there's a lot of users here that should be banned from posting.

shitty shitty taste, bwp a step down from still life!? !=?! noooooooooooooooooo way

personally im very thankful with mikael who gave me 9 beautiful albums

I love them all

obviously WS have nothing to do against still life, nor morningrise, nor bwp , nor mayh, nor orchid, nor damnation , anyway it's an excellent album.
Regarding the 2nd paragraph, of course they are “your personal sentiments;” do you really have to show us what a buffoon you are by adding the redundant solipsistic adjective “personal” to that sentence when the pronoun “your” is already a sufficient possessive? Furthermore, “asshole” by Linguistic and English morphemes is not a swear word unlike shit, which is what you have for brains.

Hilarious post. "Personal" is an emphatic adjective in this context that a solipsist would have no use of. Why don't you shove some morphemes up your donkey's orifice, they clearly don't belong in your mouth. :lol:
I bought WS a few weeks ago, but wanted to wait 'til the right time to listen to it and give it my full attention. All I can say is that after hearing it in full a few times it blew me away! The odd bits work perfectly (guitar going out of tune on Burden/Axe's drumming about 1:30 into Porcelain Heart) and give the album a great uneasy feeling. And after hearing Heir Apparent I felt my money was well spent! :kickass:
Per's keyboards seemed a little more tasteful in WS than in GR, Axe did a great job, and it sounds like Fredrik's playing gives the band a great burst of energy.
Definitely one of the top 4 Opeth albums as far as I'm concerned!
I think WS is a good album that misses (in very few parts) originality, but which at the same time has some very fresh sounding and interesting moments (see Porcelain heart)..I mean, like what seems to me be a more keyboard based songwriting in certain songs, for example. The other thing that makes it "just" a good work and not a masterpiece (to me) is the less refined (a bit too confusion here and there) and dynamic drum work..not that it is a bad work, at all, just..with less touch. I think as Mike himself said, Lopez is a more kind of "emotional" drummer
One thing that has surprised me when seeing fan's views/reviews on Watershed is the complaint of the bittyness of the songwriting - they especially seem to think that its only ever happened on watershed. May I refer you back to the "holy grail" albums of Orchid and Morningrise ( and a lesser extent MAYH). Both those albums had a tendency to go "drumfill to new section" whether those sections had an particular relation or not.... (I'm looking at you Black rose immortal, you know who you are)

Now I love everything that Opeth have ever done, including watershed. But Opeth is not easily a band where you can compare previous albums to each other due to the constant evolution that their music goes through. Still life is very different to MAYH, Deliverance very different to BWP. Each person probably has their own personal favourite, but the great thing about Opeth is that they always have a new sound on each album - its one of the main features of the band. To wish for another BWP (as awesome as it might be) would mean that Opeth had lost that ever evolving ingenuity and originality.

Long live Opeth, whatever path they may take.
ufff there's a lot of users here that should be banned from posting.

shitty shitty taste, bwp a step down from still life!? !=?! noooooooooooooooooo way

personally im very thankful with mikael who gave me 9 beautiful albums

I love them all

obviously WS have nothing to do against still life, nor morningrise, nor bwp , nor mayh, nor orchid, nor damnation , anyway it's an excellent album.

+1 :kickass:
While I do "like" the name "Blowpeth"....it's smart, in a stupid childish retarded way...I think it's sad, actually, extremely sad, to see someone posting under that name, writing looong posts on how we (basically) suck.

Is it a delusion, or aren't you wasting your time? I'm baffled, just amazed....

To the rest of you...
Hey! Wazz up?

I love Watershed. Can't keep it out of my CD player. VERY original. Hey Mike, sorry if you already answered, but when will you release the cover of "Would?"
I love Watershed. Can't keep it out of my CD player. VERY original.


I love Blackwater Park but I would get bored very quickly if the band made the same album every other year as if they were AC/DC or something.

The new record is great; sounds fresh and really organic.